SoulRipper | Agorith
Name:  GHOSTK1LL3R | Greed

Time/Date: 06-08-2016, around 18:30?

Steam ID:

Name of Administrator: [FL] Agorith [STEAM_0:0:43023747], [FL] SoulRipper [STEAM_0:1:15472195]

The write up of this case will be spear-headed by GHOSTK1LL3R with myself jolting parts down in comparison of area’s I have deemed necessary. If any evidence or statements would like to be brought forward to myself, GHOSTK1LL3R feel free to contact me through my Steam account. I will keep statements, evidence brought up anonymous to the point of taking a permanent ban to make sure your identity is kept hidden if you request it.

All evidence in reference to this case come from the following threads:

I would like to originally state the reasoning of why I am making a claim against the owner of Fearless(SoulRipper). I the plaintiff feel that there has been blatant bias in the ruling of Agorith’s admin abuse cases which is something that wouldn’t have occurred for any other staff member. Due to this; I’d request that SoulRipper doesn’t one man army this admin abuse case like he did with the others and make a statement without consulting with SA’s prior. I understand you are the owner of Fearless and everything to do with it. However, there is a line which you mustn’t and cannot cross. For if you are to do this why can people trust you SoulRipper to hold your word.
I am here as a means to acquire justice that should have delivered originally.
I would equally like to state that this admin abuse case is not a carbon copy of those that has already been pasted and is being written up in fresh so please read every statement made. Equally, I state this for the reason that this admin abuse case shouldn’t be denied on the terms of ‘Has already been dealt with’ as I am going to be addressing points which haven’t been concluded due to statements from the defendant SoulRipper.

Agorith breach of TOS 1.12
I will now be in reference to the bulletpoint 4 of this TOS.
use or attempt to use any unauthorized means to modify, reroute, or gain access to the Services;
This breach of TOS has been presented through the following video:
At the end of the video you can see how Agorith gained access to molotovs through an unauthorized mean to the services to allow himself to exploit and bypass the procedure to buy molotov’s. This is equally an infraction of the server rule 1.1 which is abusing a ‘gltich’. I would like to present a present case in hand were a player received a punishment of 8 months due to exploiting with the use of buttons to access a higher prop count. This is in contest similar to what Agorith has done as he has bypass the limitations to allow him access to items on the market without the ability of purchasing them.
Agorith breach of Server Rules 2.5| 16.6 | 9.4a

The rules in reference have been quoted below to make it easier for the reader to follow.
2.5 Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). This includes things such as anti-gravity bathtubs, unrealistic car colors, watermelon fights, etc. when there is no specific roleplay in which they would make sense (i.e. game shows or science roleplays).
Agorith has been found to be in direct violation of this rule in the subsequent video at the very beginning:
I have addition evidence of the accused Agorith altering his model to unrealistic zombie models if required I am more than happy to upload if requested.
16.6 Do not FailRP. Car thieves need chop-shops, and burglars need places to store their stolen goods. Proper background RP draws the line between crime and rule-breaking.
Agorith has been found to be in direct violation of this rule also. Agorith had no proper background RP set-up when doing the zombie models. There was no server event as background up; there was no incident that required a zombie model either. The accused merely did the model as party trick. This rule is found in the Crime section; however, this rule would be correct to be in comparison of what Agorith has done as it would be FailRP for him to be performing this ‘RP’ without a valid background reason.
9.4a Do not set your job as an animal, this is considered FailRP.
As shown from this rule, it is fair to assume that it is equally FailRP for an admin to change their model to a ‘zombie’ which can be classed as an animal.
Direct quote of what an animal is from the search browser Google(
a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.

Agorith breach of admin abuse rule ‘Using noclip or teleport to avoid RP situation…’
Rule broke and found of violation of Agorith can be found from the thread:
From the following video you can notice how Agorith comes out of no-where bypassing the keypad and defences set-up on purpose to stop people from freely entering our base of operations.
I can if requested upload the whole video of this point if requested. I will only upload for the following users: Infernaw,SnowerdWolf,Avgar,SoulRipper.

SoulRipper Lying in the courthouse
The quotes will be in reference to the following thread:
As stated clearly in the original thread ‘Video provided by another person, I will deliver the unedited video if Avgar or Infernaw requests it’. However, SoulRipper while closing this thread with an official statement states ‘The prosecutor does not want to show an unedited video of the case which is deemed necessary’. As stated at the beginning of the thread, I will get the unedited video if requested. Equally, I’d like to know the reasoning of why this video is insufficient evidence as stated by both Agorith and SoulRipper.
Equally, I’d like to mention how this isn’t a Agorith vs Greed argument as there is legitimate evidence from the plaintiff Greed(Myself) through the use of the logs to present my argument and also through the video presented.
Additionally, SoulRipper you state’ This seems to be a small detail. ‘Small detail or not; rules are rules. Agorith has lied blatantly in the courthouse thinking he is better than anyone else or maybe he is in the mindset similar to SoulRipper of he ‘has been punished enough’ thinking he can get away with this abuse.

SoulRipper stating that ‘Agorith has had enough’ isn’t sufficient to close down a case of an administrator lying
This will be in reference to the following case and in reference to the closing notes.
Agorith has been punished for his other admin abuse thread. I think he's been punished enough.’
I don’t understand how because Agorith has been punished in his other admin abuse thread has any links to this case. This case is independent and has no correlation or links to what Agorith was found in violation on the other thread. Equally, I fail to see how Agorith has been ‘punished enough’ with a 1 week removal from administrator only on the servers. If a player was to be found spawning in molotovs without paying for them he’d be removed from the services of Fearless effective immediately.

Agorith’s direct lying in the courthouse
This will be directly touching on the following case and unban request:
Agorith’s opening statement on the unban request was the following:
You followed him around to Empire Hotels, where you found him arresting a gundealer.’
As presented from the following video we can see how Agorith has lied in this unban request as Greed(Myself) had no followed ForceGhost into the video.

SoulRipper direct bias towards Agorith
My last point that I’d like to state is how SoulRipper only reviewed those admin abuse cases which were against Agorith. I felt this part was obvious considering there was 2 other admin abuse cases that were pending and had been up there for a few weeks now. However, the ones that he had conceded were still being discussed and had recently had replies posted.
I feel the treatment that Agorith has received has been unjust; unfair and down right bias. I feel Agorith has gotten off very lighty due to the fact SoulRipper has stepped in.
Soul, you may think Agorith is a ‘good’ person and this is his first admin abuse case so you should cut him some slack. But what is to say that he’ll not do this again? What’s to say he won’t drink again and do the same actions? I feel Agorith begged you to reply as he knew he’d lose his rank if you did not.
-         Ghost
So let me get this straight.

This is Ghostkiller, a user that has been permanently suspended twice.
Your last permanent suspension from all Fearless services was due to ToS, more specifically stating to people you would not rest until you got administrators demoted.
Basically you were and still are targetting the entire staff team.
The evidence that got provided in the AA was made by you Double Accounting on our servers, although it had valid evidence in it, still quite doesn't seem right to me.

As for OT: I'll be refraining from posting here since your anti bias towards me is so obvious and I've already stated everything I felt had to be stated in the previous cases.

You're requested to deliver the uncut and unedited video footage by an administrator.
You will have to do so.


Just noticed this part about the FailRP.
You're saying applying a different colour to a car by the owner who requested it is now abusing/FailRP?

I also have 17-ish molotovs in my inventory so I could have just as easily used those, I didn't do what I did there because I had lack of molotovs, there was no thought to it and was a hasty decision I've received punishment for.


You not liking my punishment is not grounds for another AA, and most definitely not on the owner of our community.
Soulripper simply doesn't fail to realise the contributions I've made to Fearless. As much as this makes me sound like a bigot.
And clearly feels although I have had a valid abuse case this once now that should leave me with a punishment he deems fit, it shouldn't result in my demotion.
The first part of this will be towards MastaNoda’s reply which seems to have been removed but I will respond to the points as needed.
With the first point you make I would just like to point out that we have commands and the Q-menu to spawn in market items, we use this in events and in player refunds, so ToS 1.12 isnt valid here, as no exploits were used.
Thank you for your reply. I am not an admin as you very well know so I had to make assumptions on what the limits are on this.
I’d like to quote directly what exploiting is:
make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.’
Link to quote in reference(
Agorith did exploit the system as he made use of the situation which allowed him to refund players but instead refunded himself for personal gain to allow him to use moltov’s without having to pay money for them.
The second and third point was already brought up as the basis of another AA from you that was concluded. Some parts have been deemed not abuse by Soulripper with, most likely, input from the SA team, so I don’t see the point in reposting it.
I am going to break this down as it’ll be easier for the reader to understand.
The second point in question is ‘Agorith breach of Server Rules 2.5| 16.6 | 9.4a’.
This was indeed deemed abusive by SoulRipper. However, only the generic FailRP was classed of the abuse. Due to this, and the vagueness of the original AA case of the actual rules been broken I have taken the liberty to define all the rules in question that Agorith has broken.
The third point brought up was the following: ‘Agorith breach of admin abuse rule ‘Using noclip or teleport to avoid RP situation…’’
This was not deemed abuse because the evidence provided was considered ‘insufficient’ as I have stated in this admin abuse case. A ranking administrator; whether that be SA or SoulRipper himself requests the evidence I will gladly provide it.
I hope you, MastaNoda understand why I reposted these in this admin abuse case.

This is Ghostkiller, a user that has been permanently suspended twice.
Your last permanent suspension from all Fearless services was due to ToS, more specifically stating to people you would not rest until you got administrators demoted.
Basically you were targetting the entire staff team.

And you, Mr Agorith are an administrator who blatantly abused his powers to spawn in molotov’s for personal gain. What makes us so different; that I didn’t pull the empathy card and cry that I was drunk at the time? Anyway, let’s take this back on topic.

The evidence that got provided in the AA was made by you Double Accounting on our servers, although it had valid evidence in it, still quite doesn't seem right to me.

You know what doesn’t seem quite right to me Agorith? Spawning in molotov’s with admin commands. But that’s just my two pence.

As for OT: I'll be refraining from posting here since your anti bias towards me is so obvious and I've already stated everything I felt had to be stated in the previous cases.

I fail to see my anti-bias towards you. You clearly lack the understanding of justice which is why I am here today.

You're requested to deliver the uncut and unedited video footage by an administrator.
You will have to do so.

As stated above, I will give the uncut, unedited video if requested by an SA or SoulRipper.

Just noticed this part about the FailRP.
You're saying applying a different colour to a car by the owner who requested it is now abusing/FailRP?

Ah it’s good you just ‘noticed’ the FailRP part. Anyhow; I don’t notice me stating anything about colouring a car for someone who requested it. I am not sure if this is your attempt on showing a similar situation? When I quoted rule 2.5 it was in regard to you doing things out of context (I stated it below the video) of how you changed your model for no reason at-all other to show off to some girls(you thought).

I also have 17-ish molotovs in my inventory so I could have just as easily used those, I did not do so because I did not own any.

So you have 17 ish moltovs in your inventory but you didn’t because you did not own any? That doesn’t make any sense; however I’ll pretend like it did. That is like me saying ‘I have this really nice TV that I bought from the company I worked for; so I thought heck why don’t I just take another-one off the shop floor!’. The difference is, Agorith is you didn’t which is the reason why you have had your admin rank removed.
Honestly, if this is how you logically view stuff then I don’t understand how you got to the rank of administrator and it really does make me believe this isn’t the first time you’ve done this.

I simply made the mistake of spawning them in in a hasty decision that I've already been punished for.

It was hardly a ‘mistake’ you knew exactly what you were doing. You knew exactly that this is against the server rules;TOS rules and admin abuse rules but you did it anyway. 

Edit: It's also against the rules to close an AA case on yourself
"Admins are not allowed to close threads about themselves."
Even though the thread was a duplicate, rules are rules and are there to be inforced
Your previous admin abuse threads I've reviewed in a serious matter, however I've realized now that I should've take it with a grain of salt. Accussing me of lying, while I'm just typing facts, is for me confirming my thoughts.

An admin asks you to provide an unedited version of a video, which you resist. If you resist to supply the thread with evidence, it will be denied.

In the other thread, you're accussing Agorith of lying, but it's your word versus his word, there's not enough evidence for me to conclude who is right, therefore resulting in favor of the admin.

I've not abused my powers by not discussing this with the SA team, I've got all rights to deny admin abuse threads on my own. Only if I think a second opinion is needed, I'll discuss the case with one of the superadmins.

I do not have any interests / friendship with Agorith that could make me biased. There's also no advantages I could achieve in any way.

This thread is a rewritten copy of the former admin abuse threads. One admin abuse thread was approved. Agorith has been suspended for a week and this is and will stay the final penalty. If you create a similar AA thread again, you'll be warned and the thread will be removed.
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