UBR: Stitch
Your name: [FL:RP] Stitch

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56170113

Your ban ID: 59126

Banned by: [FL] Nacreas

Reason: BRA (57983) - Player disrepect/OOC insults

Involved: No one I can remember

Why we should unban you: I would like to have this ban removed because the insult, in my opinion, wasn't ban worthy but more blacklist worthy. It wasn't that brutal, I called someone a "Twonk" because they broke the rules. Of course that's not an excuse for my actions, and I get that but I don't think I should have to have an extra ban for a minor reason which normal people would get a blacklist for.

If it would be possible I would much rather replace the ban with a blacklist because I want to keep my bans as low as possible due to me not wanting it to look like I'm a minge. I wouldn't even mind if the blacklist was like 2 Hours long (But I would prefer if it wasn't).

So yeah, I don't expect this ban to be lifted but I would be extremely grateful if it was.

Thanks for Reading,
User has been warned for this post. Reason:

Not Involved, Warned ~SnowredWolf
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
(04-15-2016, 09:27 PM)Nuka Wrote: ------

I don't understand
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Your only ban listed, presumably this one, was lifted before this post was even up. That was probably his response to that.

Not Involved, Warned ~SnowredWolf
I presume you are new to the server. You don't reply if you are not directly involved with the case. It could get you a forum warning. Just letting you know for future

And the UBR isn't for it to get lifted, its for it to get removed because I don't want it on my Bans list
Hello Stitch,

The point of unban requests are for bans that are invalid, you should have made an unban request way before now if it was invalid. You broke the said rule and thus the ban is valid. The banning administrator decides which punishment is needed.
[FL:RP] Stitch (STEAM_0:1:56170113) said: // Just because you dont negotiate with Hostages doesnt mean you shoot on sight you failrp twonk

We all have bans on our record that we wish we could remove, but we cant.


[FL] SnowredWolf
Server Administrator

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