[UnOfficial/Currently In-active] EvoCity Nuclear Power Association [ENPA]

Name: Jackson "anakonda" Ripper

age: 34

Location: Appartments, Evocity

Job wanted: Worker

Why i want to join this clan: well this seem to be a good rp clan, no criminal activity. It is always fun with good rp.

charecter bio: well Jackson "Anakonda" Ripper, i am 34 years old (ingame) i love rp, my highest hobby is guitar, and i got over 400 hours of gameplay on the servers : )

rp points: i got 12-14 now i think. ive been to much events.

Well. That was my Application to join the ENPA i hope i get accepted : )
[Image: 28guk44.png]

Thanks to Duck for the epic sig..
also thanks for the "a great friend since 2009" really appreciate it!

How about some Reputation?
[Image: approved_red_stamp.png]

Welcome to ENPA Anakonda, we are happy to have you in the clan. You have recieven the rank Worker as of now!

thank you : )
[Image: 28guk44.png]

Thanks to Duck for the epic sig..
also thanks for the "a great friend since 2009" really appreciate it!

How about some Reputation?
Welcome to the ENPA Employee System, Please Enter your Credentials to Continue.

Access Granted! Welcome Back Nick Viscardo.
Last visit 11/5/2011

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Nick Viscardo_
Personal Report_
Going on Leave_
Personal Reasons_

Hello ENPA, I will be taking a personal leave for a short time now. This will not be forever I assure you, but I cannot predict when I will return. Keep in touch in the ENPA Database, I will still be active there. Good luck with the expanding and development of ENPA._

Report filed by Nick Viscardo, ENPA Gen. Operations Manager.
Biowulf and I are very sorry for the large amounts of AFK'ing lately, im very busy with school and other things. I will get back to this clan very soon.

Keep in touch.

clan status: IDLE
sorry guys but the inactivness was my reason to leave this clan. I dont like leaving it will miss ya all
[Image: 28guk44.png]

Thanks to Duck for the epic sig..
also thanks for the "a great friend since 2009" really appreciate it!

How about some Reputation?
We understand, You'll be welcome back anytime soon when we get back to RP
Alright I'll be leaving too. I haven't been online lately so no need for a clan. Good luck in the future, guys.
I already discussed this with Biowulf. I'm on probation in another clan. I asked Biowulf if it's OK to be in two clans at a time (I've also read the rules upon that and there's nothing wich stops me from doing so). For him it's OK, but Zzzzap, I don't know if that is for you too.. I don't want to leave ENPA because it's inactive for I still see some future in this clan and it's RP. I still have to discuss this with the other Carpe Diem members, but if they say I can't join their clan because I'm still in this one, I'm probably going to leave this one just because of that inactivity.

Thanks for reading this,

© Nudelholz
Its alright mate.

We are not a clan, we are a company. You can be in a clan beside this one.

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