Alt Accounting Unban Request.
LeafyIsQueer is the account you caught my brother under, except his name was [FL:RP] Ononymous then.
IF "your brother" was caught who are you?

Fearless Administrator
Im Ononymous (not to be confused with [FL:RP] Ononymous), I was also banned for alt accounting because I was linked with my brothers account.
I feel as this is just you trying to get out of things playing the classic brother card.

Fearless Administrator
I can provide proof, as I said earlier I will get me, my nephew and my brother to come on the server and speak with mics if you would like.
My brother also has an account on here if that would help.
I don't understand why if he has an account why he is not actively trying to prove HIS innocence.

Fearless Administrator
Because he is not innocent, he was double accounting. Sweethens and I were the ones not double accounting.
If you weren't double accounting why did your account and your "brother's" account have the same name?

Fearless Administrator
I explained in the request that I had told him to not use me or my nephew steam account names. His name was originally LeafyIsQueer and before that munichman2. I honestly dont know why he changed it to Ononymous after I had urged him not to.
Why would one of you be playing from the same place if the other is banned currently and not inform staff?

Fearless Administrator

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