Unban Request
Your name: satnavjudo

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61827442

Your ban ID: 60876

Banned by: [FL] Obay

Reason: Committing Suicide W/o reason


Why we should unban you: I am going to discuss ban 60876 - Committing Suicide W/o reason. I posted an unban request about this when the incident occurred however i cant find it after some time searching. Me and a group of rebels had just killed the president in the nexus and were leaving the raid, i didn't realise how low i was on health but i made a run for it before the swat team arrived however i was low on health and as i was running over the bridge i run though a Molotov i thought i would be fine as i was on higher health than i had first expected however this wasn't the case i instantly died and got banned for suicide but even if i had killed myself i don't see what the issue is because i was with a strong team of players who potentially could of overpowered the SWAT team that we were destined to face. However more to the point this was a complete accident and i don't believe it to be a good reason to be banned as i didn't purposely kill myself.
[Image: 6rtemlK.gif]
Hello, satnavjudo

Unfortunately without any sufficient concrete evidence there's not much that can be done about your 3 bans, as we can not just believe players on their word.
Requesting actual evidence for the Administrators so that they can look into it. This counts for all three of your UBR's.

Fearless Moderator
As i have said before, all of these bans were a long time ago and i have had a new PC since these took place, i am coming back to FL with a new attitude (I Have purchased donator again and several money packs today to get myself back into the community) but with the amount of bans i have on my profile i find it hard as i know im gone if i slip up once more. Is there another alternative i could follow to get afew of my bans removed as this would be of great help to me ?
[Image: 6rtemlK.gif]
Hello satnavjudo,

The ban(s) you have appealed are getting pretty old by the time, if you were innocent we believe that you would have made an unban request prior to this.
Most people have old bans on their record they wish they could remove, however it might not be possible as you cannot expect the admin team to remember a ban that old. Also in addition to this, the admin who banned you have resigned from their position within the community.
With this message, your unban request have been denied

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