UBR Perqe
Your name: (Perqe)

Your SteamID: (STEAM_0:0:104938071)

Your ban ID: (69706)

Banned by: ([FL] NightHawkd)

Reason: (Raiding a passiveRP office for no reason // 8th ban)

Involved: ()

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this - secondly, I would like to add that in the ban reason it was stated that this is my 8th ban, however the last ban was lifted on 18th december last year, almost three months ago and I've shown considerable player improvement since as clear by my record.

I would like to state that in the reason you mentioned I raided a passiveRP for no reason, I would like to highlight the following raid rules;

Raid rules

14.1 Do not raid as a Citizen without changing your job name.
14.2 You need a valid reason to raid the President.
14.2a You cannot raid the President solely to earn money.
14.2b You cannot raid the President solely because of high taxes.
14.2c You cannot raid the President because you do not like certain laws, unless they drastically impact your character. For example: Cars being banned from the city is not a valid reason.
14.2d You cannot raid the President solely as retaliation for being arrested or warned by police due to your own actions, i.e. you cannot raid just because you were arrested for speeding or mugging someone.
14.3 Do not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid (powergaming). This also applies to custom jobs.
14.4 You must have a valid reason to raid players, i.e. contraband, burglary, and needing to take hostages are all valid reasons.

It does not state in these rules that passiveRP's cannot be raid firstly, so this ban is invalid. Secondly - a definition of raid is as follows:


a rapid surprise attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces.

I would object that lock picking a door, in public view, with other people standing around would not be considered "a surprise attack".

Also mentioned on the UBR was that it was passive in the first place, this is not clear as the building is locked from the outside so I have absolutely no way of know what type of roleplay it contains as previous many aggressive roleplays have been held in that building over the years SAA for example.

My points above are valid and I hope you review this with full intelligence;

Thank you,
How does that permit you to lock pick your way into a building because you were "curious"?

And I believe that definition is referring to an air raid.
Fearless Administrator
How does that amount to a "Raid" this is the point we are talking about, we are not discussing what requirements there have to be to lockpick a door, we are discussing why I have been banned for 'raiding' as stated in my post, my actions do not amount to 'raiding' and therefore the ban is invalid.
14.4 You must have a valid reason to raid players, i.e. contraband, burglary, and needing to take hostages are all valid reasons.

^ You had no reason at all to forcibly enter the building. There was no contraband or any reason for you enter the building at all. It was locked as we did not want anyone to enter. Raiding a passiveRP has always been a bannable offence even back when the old staff team was around they did just the same.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
You forced your way into the building thus it is a form of is a raid.

You even acknowledge that it was a raid when NightHawk was speaking to you.

Quote:v2d [00:32:35] [FL:RP] Perqe (STEAM_0:0:104938071) said: .// I was just simply checking
v2d [00:32:48] [FL:RP] Perqe (STEAM_0:0:104938071) said: .// Didnt mean it to be a raid sorry
v2d [00:32:53] [FL:RP] Perqe (STEAM_0:0:104938071) said: .// i do apologise for that
v2d [00:33:05] [FL:RP] Perqe (STEAM_0:0:104938071) said: .// But also adding im just curious whats inside
v2d [00:33:26] [FL:RP] Perqe (STEAM_0:0:104938071) said: .// I hope you havent took any offence

Fearless Administrator
Nighthawkd, thanks for your prompt response however I would like to highlight yet again, the point you seem to have missed - which is the fact that my actions did not amount to lock picking a door. It is not stated in the rules, clearly, what a RAID is considered to be however the average person will believe that a raid consists of an attack using weapons of some respect e.g. molotoving a base and running in with guns.

E.G #2 'RAIDING' the president means launching an attack with weapons on him.

Me lock picking the door displayed no weapons and the lockpick is actually in the black market section, not weapons - for a reason.
When I said 'didn't mean for it to be a raid' this is not me admitting it was a raid, as I would have said 'sorry for raiding' if this was the case, me saying 'I didn't mean for it to be a raid' is very clear because it shows that it wasn't my intention and infact, my actions didn't even deem it a raid.

Thank you
Noda, Please quote the rule or FL stated term where it says "'Raiding' typically means forcibly entering a building you aren't supposed to be in, or the 'real' raiding where you enter with weapons."

From what I've understood, Perqe lockpicked into a passive RP, later on apologizing and leaving it alone.
Sounds more like "random lockpicking/burglary attempt" to me.

Sabotaging Passive RP, such as throwing a molotov for no reason, is bannable.
How much did Perqe sabotage the Passive RP by lockpicking and then leaving the area?
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Can i ask why im being made to wait NightHawkd ive proved a point and been nice about it so why are you being a little disrespectful by making me wait. Again me proving a point you have been on ts and the forums so why cant you respond. Basically i dont think i deserve ban, already served a day and you are making me wait even longer.

i think this is shocking you seem to do it to everyone. For example Awestruck was one of them no one replied to his thread but however you banned him. Seems to be like this a little bit, making me wait for something petty.

Do you have anything against me because i apologized and was as calm as possible but you gave me a ban. Also you banned me for a reason that isnt a reason for a ban. To prove this it doesn't state that you cant raid passive RP's in the rules. Also, every point your side has brought up is either trying to twist my words or bringing up more lies or something that isn't a reason for a ban. But you still somehow continue to keep this thread up when this wasn't a ban at all because what i done was simply random picklocking without knowing and i apologized for this like i have already stated.

So can i ask why this hasnt been dealt with or even finished and what are you doing when you are on.

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