[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]
Look again, its fixed.
Steam name: [FL:RP] Bootypopers
Character name: Isaac Clarke

Hours played: Over 270

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join): Yes

Age (we will not hold this against you): 14

Last clan and why you left: MI6 this was not a very structured clan or Professional RP

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why: A mix of both i like to help people i like to fight some times im a mix

What your ideal job role would be (you may suggest a new one): A Guard but important role but not to high up i like to
have a gun on me most of the time unless im required in a passive rp (Lets use fall out as an example vaults have guards right to keep the peace and to keep people in order but help some at the same time like that)

Why you would be suited for this specific role: Because i get a kick out of it I like it and i can be good at it over all I just enjoy this.

What could you bring to The Syndicate: A loyal to the end member a trust worthy person
Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?: yeah but some times i quick type and mess up Punctuation is a memory issue with me but i can put my mind to it and insert it into my text so no it should not be an issue.

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them): yes indeed I have I now rarely brake rules but if i do it will not be major i struggle with my memory but you should not have any trouble with me in that department.

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority': Do what your told by a high ranking member than you but still respect lower ranks no abuse of power at all how ever dont be pushed around by the lowers

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc): All of the time besides Monday Tuesday - Friday during 8 Am to 4:20 pm or 3:25 pm

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario:

You are a member of Syndicate Security, posted to the lobby and your aim is to keep the staff safe and keep the lobby controlled. An intoxicated citizen enters the lobby and begins shouting at the receptionist about how he has a meeting with the Director and refuses to leave until he gets his meeting.

What would be your approach to this situation?
I will again ask him to leave nicely if he will not ill try again a little more aggressive ill give the man a short time limit to reply if he will not leave I will then take aim and shout at him to leave if he will still not corporate i will tie him up and radio in for instructions to remove him from the building or bring him up for a talk.....

(Referred and inspired to join by Lt.Blackcoat as I Roleplay with him a lot I done a hacker rp with him the night I filled this App out)
I have Approved philip_mineur (AKA "weed") and Booty On to the Trainee phase.

Good luck in the rest of your training.
(10-13-2015, 05:34 PM)[FL:RP] Mike Wrote:
Federal Agency

Thank you and welcome to The Syndicates clan page. Here, you will learn all there is to know about The Syndicate.. what we stand for, what we do and how we going about doing it. I hope this post will bring clarity to the questions you may have.


The Syndicate is a federal agency founded by [FL:RP] Mike (Alexis 'Grimz' Cohen) that works alongside the EvoCity Government to combat & prevent crimes of all nature. We are based at the EvoCity Offices, an extremely convenient location down the Main Road, right next to the Nexus. The Syndicate does however have multiple locations of which it conducts it's operations so you may not always find us at the main office. We have multiple means of crime prevention ranging from investigations, to brute force, appointing the most suitable operative(s) for each mission. As well as dealing with the daily crap of which the EvoCity criminals create, The Syndicate has a much darker side..

The Director and his organisation of trusted employees work tirelessly to maintain the largest network of organised crime EvoCity has ever witnessed. The Syndicate back offices manage the daily running's of it's criminal acts ranging from drug smuggling to human trafficking & research.


Well, this has one very simply answer.

The President.

The President himself is merely a figure head of The Syndicate and has his own office within the highly secure and heavily guarded headquarters. The President is well aware of the criminal side to The Syndicate however is far too satisfied with it's efforts of crime prevention on the streets that he creates an immunity for the staff, meaning that warrants go 'missing' and ECPD confidential operational data gets into the trusty hands of The Syndicates operatives.


We use our key traits of tactical skill and firepower, along with police level authority to supress crime within EvoCity, why? Because no criminal organisation wants any rivalry. We minimize the low level street crime in order to create a demand, this is where we step in. The difference is, we do it properly.



One of the great perks of having the President as a representative within our offices, is that we also make use of the security at his disposal. This means that the Strategic Response Unit (SRU) are deployed to the ground floor of our offices and ensure the security of everyone within the building, sure they may know what goes on behind the scenes.. but is it worth their lives?


[FL:RP] Mike

Working with the director, the management team assist in the overall running of The Syndicate.

[FL:RP] Ukraine

The Logistics Team deal with the detailed organisation and implementation of complex operations, they work closely with members of the Operations Board.

Lt. Blackcoat
Barry The Barn Owl


The operations board are responsible for reviewing what needs to happen and when.

[FL:M] Falcao


Conducts a variety of experiments on both humans & products.

One of the most important roles within The Syndicate, experienced investigators that... investigate.


This tactical group of agents are assigned to specific missions set up by the Operations Board.

[FL:RP] OmegaOne
[FL:RP] Irish

The first official rank within The Syndicate, they do whatever is required of them.

Random Gamer
[FL:RP] Perqe
Doctor KuLandra
Spooky Nipple


To have a chance at joining The Syndicate, you must post your application as a reply to this post, if your application is successful you will be notified and will be required to attend our offices in-game for stage two of our recruitment process, stage three will be presented upon the completion of stage two. Please note, we recruit only professional role-players with a variety of experience within different types of RP, spelling & grammar mistakes are also reviewed.

Application Template:

Steam name: Godfatherman
Character name: Vlad ´God´Sanguiine
Hours played: 303
Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join): Yes
Age (we will not hold this against you): 14
Last clan and why you left: Pyromaniacs. It was too dull and Rarely RP
Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why:
What your ideal job role would be (you may suggest a new one):
Why you would be suited for this specific role:
What could you bring to The Syndicate:
Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?:
Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them):
What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority':
Availability (weeknights, weekends etc):

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario:

You are a member of Syndicate Security, posted to the lobby and your aim is to keep the staff safe and keep the lobby controlled. An intoxicated citizen enters the lobby and begins shouting at the receptionist about how he has a meeting with the Director and refuses to leave until he gets his meeting.

What would be your approach to this situation?

Please copy the above application template into your reply and fill it out accordingly.

Thank you, and good luck.
User warned for posting to boost his post count.
The following 1 user Likes Suarez's post:
  • ltblackcoat
(11-23-2015, 10:44 PM)Godfatherman Wrote:
(10-13-2015, 05:34 PM)[FL:RP] Mike Wrote: ...

Applicant copied the ENTIRE post (not necessary or asked), and failed to fill in the entire form.

Please Fill in this form, in its entirety before we can proceed :

Application Template (copy only this part for your application) -

Steam name:

Character name:

Hours played:

Role-Play Points (RPP):

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join):

Age (we will not hold this against you): 

Last clan and why you left:

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why:

What your ideal job role would be within our organisation (you may suggest a new one):

Why you would be suited for this specific role:

What could you bring to The Syndicate:

Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?:

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them):

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority':

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc):

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario: You are appointed a role of diplomatic protection, this means that your job is to solely protect The Director & The President. During your duties, an unforeseen event occured and The Director is held at gun point by a criminal gang member just down the road from The Syndicates head office. You are the only guard present standing behind The Director - how would you handle the situation? (please think outside the box, this is to test your roleplay and quick thinking)

Please copy the above application template into your reply and fill it out accordingly.

Thank you, and good luck.
Steam name:

Character name:
Jack Balder

Hours played:
over 850

Role-Play Points (RPP):

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join):

Age (we will not hold this against you):

Last clan and why you left:

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why:
Passive, because I'm not good at CS:GO ;D, nah I'm good with both, but I prever Passive because it allows people to express their creativity without the threat of death.

What your ideal job role would be within our organisation (you may suggest a new one):

Why you would be suited for this specific role:
I spent a lot of time on FL, building stuff, from stand alone houses/constructions (submarine on V33X) to operational machines (harvest machine for V2P Map, boats). I would like to give my experience to supply your demand.

What could you bring to The Syndicate:
My Passiv RP experience, and my flexibility

Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?:
Yes. I may have some english oral understanding problem some times (damn your sexy accent Blackcoat!)

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them):

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority':
There is no authority without experience providing.

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc):
If i'm not ingame, you can call me on steam. I play a lot anyway.

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario: You are appointed a role of diplomatic protection, this means that your job is to solely protect The Director & The President. During your duties, an unforeseen event occured and The Director is held at gun point by a criminal gang member just down the road from The Syndicates head office. You are the only guard present standing behind The Director - how would you handle the situation? (please think outside the box, this is to test your roleplay and quick thinking)
Considering i'm not a cop/SRU, I would /request the situation and talk to the gang member to understand his need. If he doesn't show any specific need and solely "I want to kill", I would distract him, or wait him to turn his back so I can neutralize him without taking any risk of harming the target.

The following 1 user Likes Jacaramba's post:
  • ltblackcoat
(11-25-2015, 12:06 AM)Jacaramba Wrote: (damn your sexy accent Blackcoat!)

Approved to the Trainee Process, All seems in order, your Building Skills will be assessed, Primarily by our New "Engineering Team Head" Barry, Myself and the other Officers I am sure.

Please be advised There is a backlog (there is another Building (Thegamer) Hoping approval as well), so a dedicated slot may take time.

Thank you, and welcome.
[Image: KcgTwqb.png]

Hello Syndicate, my name is Joey Essex and I am here to represent, Arcon Corporation.

I've previously been involved with the Syndicate and it's an extremely successful organisation and one to look up to. Which now leads to my proposal.. I wish to ally with you so we have each others backs, any work you need help with I will be there, the same goes for you I hope, if we are in trouble and need a hand, we could use you.

I hope you consider this offer and we can build a future relationship.

[Image: cbb8c02434bde51ed5cadda7f5b240da.png]
(11-25-2015, 02:49 PM)Falcao Wrote: [Image: KcgTwqb.png]

Hello Syndicate, my name is Joey Essex and I am here to represent, Arcon Corporation.

I've previously been involved with the Syndicate and it's an extremely successful organisation and one to look up to. Which now leads to my proposal.. I wish to ally with you so we have each others backs, any work you need help with I will be there, the same goes for you I hope, if we are in trouble and need a hand, we could use you.

I hope you consider this offer and we can build a future relationship.

[Image: cbb8c02434bde51ed5cadda7f5b240da.png]

Joey Essex, 

Thank you for your message to The Syndicate, my name is Alexis Cohen and I am the director.

On behalf of our entire organisation I would like to willingly accept your generous proposal on the grounds that no ally is a bad one. I accept your terms and believe as partners, very little shall step in our way. 

I look forward to what the future holds.

The Director


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