Remove admin approval for dictatorRP
Hmm... I prefer peaceful and passive roleplay.
Not sure. There are always those minges that do it always. Bit that is with everything ofcourse.
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I could see this working. I Just hope that you guys realize the reason this rule was implemented was more so for when the staff were not online. People would often roleplay dictator rp time and time again. No real roleplay could be done and it would be constant raid baiting and a roleplay server would turn into a president in OOC going "man how have I not died yet, someone should totally raid".

On that note as well do you guys want the rule reverted to its original status of "You need an rp reason to become dictator" but not need admin approval as long as you could back up your reason. Or just you can become dictator without approval?
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Really made action as a president

The admin approval requirement was added again to cut back on 24/7 raids on the nexus. And besides, the people who do DictatorRP are hardly dictators, they are more like tyrants. The standard FL governing system is already a dictatorship as the president doesn't have to answer to anybody but himself. 

The "dictators" also usually just post random laws placing bans on whatever they can to provoke a raid.  My stance would change on the DictatorRP change you are suggesting if people would actually roleplay properly not just sit there making "Come raid me I banned everything" laws. 

EDIT: Oh and also, how are going to tell me that I MUST participate in the DictatorRP and be opressed against my will? In my opinion, DictatorRP's should have to be well organized and done on the event server to prevent others from being forced into the RP. 

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