Ability to choose your race
(04-10-2015, 10:20 AM)Ms. Mudpie Wrote:
(04-10-2015, 01:19 AM)Kurdish✹Falcon Wrote:
(04-07-2015, 03:36 PM)Ms. Mudpie Wrote: I don't understand why everyone is so bent on the idea of limiting players' options of playermodel. Don't put paywalls in place or add some level of randomisation, just let players pick whatever playermodel they want. Damn.

For me, I'd like a paywall because it'd push more donations to help the community. My second reason is you don't morph too often in real life, so why should you morph unlimited times without consequence in FLRP?

The community doesn't need more donations, and putting up paywalls in front of modifying your character is A. kind of despicable and greedy, and B. counter-productive because it puts limits on the sorts of characters players can be.

Believe it or not, not everyone here wants to/is able to donate. As a college student, I'm skint enough as it is without constantly chucking a few quid to SoulRipper so I can be granted permission to try something new. I'm also 99% sure that most people won't pay, but instead think of Fearless as being run by a bunch of fat greedy bastards and will leave and never return. 

And there's no "morphing", you don't change playermodel in real-time; changes take effect on respawn, just like with changing gender and jobs.

You have converted me; I agree with you, 110%.
A model-chooser is in the works.

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