Permanently broken gamemode only on (for me) the Evocity_v33x server
Hello, Fax Machine here.

Last night I did an RP wherein I operated an opera and I asked Vauld to change my characters skin (cause I didn't own a suit) to one where the character had a suit, I logged off with that skin still equipped (this was not a suit item in my inventory it was a command that changed my char skin, to be clear). I'm not saying this caused it but it was something I did the last time I was on, in case that helps in investigating the problem.

The Problem:

Whenever I join the Evocity_v33X server my gamemode appears to be permanently broken, but broken only for me and no one else. I remain that misshapen grey slenderman-esque frozen model for upto minutes at a time wherein I am eventually forcibly "reconnected" to the server and reload and everything. Once it reloads the process repeats. The game mode is fully broken, no menus or anything work, its like when the gamemode is broken for everyone but only for me.

This only happens on the v33x server, my character his gamemode, money, and his inventory load fine on the other two servers with no problems; this only occurs on v33x and only to me. This leads me to believe that my character's database data isn't corrupted only something directly tied to that particular server of the three is. This sucks because I can't play on the server that typically has the highest population anymore.


Were you on v33x when you asked for the skin?
[Image: FpROeEz.png]
Barkles is attempting to sleep : )
Server probably needs a restart.
Your model may not be registering you onto the server.
Ex-Server Teacher
Yeah I was on v33x at the time. Vauld did it so the RP looked more proper cause I was a civy in the green T-Shirt. TO BE CLEAR I DONT HAVE THE SUIT ITEM I DIDNT GET ANYTHING FOR FREE.

Think that is it, Sir Bradley?
Eh. I highly doubt it has anything to do with the reskin. I reskinned you into something that the server already recognizes, it was just a grey suit. Therefore when you log off/respawn, your skin changes back to the default options. So it should have nothing to do with skins really, I don't know. It might've been some sort of freak incident where the situation was just right to screw up your game-mode... Maybe if we tried to reskin you while on v33x? But even then I feel like a GM crash on client-side is more serious than a skin.
It is perplexing. I've gone ahead and reverified garrysmod files as well as rebooted and still nothing. Something serverside is crashing my clientside
If this is the case, your model can be changed or we could possibly restart the server or you could wait until a crash and or scheduled restart.
Ex-Server Teacher
I had a similar issue once when I set the game to not download any files from the server. It's a shot in the dark but worth a try.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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