Blurr - Removal from record.
Your name: [FL:RP] Blurr

Your ban ID: 59166

Banned by: Raptor/Agent

Reason: Breaking in the cells as a citizen to 'break out friends'

Involved: Me and Raptor/Agent

Why we should unban you: 

So as the reason says I was banned for Breaking in the cells as a citizen to 'break out friends.

Now I only know partly what happened since it was awhile ago. I was walking around with Raptor/Agent while he was undercover and he got arrested. I then walked down into the Nexus Garage and then into the jails (As a citizen) I got to the jails and I believe I seen Raptor/Agent and when I seen him I walked up to the cell and his time expired so he re spawned. I didn't really do anything but walk down into the Nexus Jails. I believe this is correct, please correct me if I am wrong Raptor/Agent. I feel that my actions were very stupid from me for walking down into the Nexus as a citizen. Yet I feel that if I didn't break anyone out it should not be pushed to a ban. Even though I was very stupid to walk all the way down as a citizen I am very sorry for my actions and I would not do it again. I understand that my hours and RPP Points I should know better and it was a very stupid mistake and I fell very silly for making the decision to have made this mistake. I feel that me just walking into the nexus jails the have to walk back up after doing nothing but see someone in jail then respawn since their time is up was a very harsh decision.

Thank you for reading.
I think you left out the part where you came down with a weapon, which is why I banned you for that reason.

Yes I got arrested but you came down the cells as a citizen with a weapon(Ak-47 I think) and I think you've threaten or shut a cop or SRU.
I don't think I did come down with anything from what I can remember that the jails were unprotected so I walked down.
It may had been a lockpick yet I never used it. Is it possible for staff to check the logs on this day?
Requesting that ban be lifted and removed from record under Rule 6 of the rules for making an unban request.

It has been over a week now, I requested staff to check the logs in my post before this one and it seems many staff seen this post yet failed to check the logs.

Time is currently 19:31 1/7/15
Agent has final say in the matter, the decision will come from him as he was the one that issued the punishment.
Well since after seeing another post approved for not being replied to within a week I find that unfair.
I have waited a week and have been very patient up until I seen the other UBR be approved for the same reason.
Now that I remember yes you did have a lockpick and not an AK sorry I have forgotten and I've mixed up this case with someone else's.

Now that I think about it, I support this appeal to be approved. Rest is in the admin's hands.

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