Walsh Unban request
Your name: [FL:RP] Walsh
Your ban ID: 61130
Banned by: [FL] Raptor
Reason: FailRP
Involved: Myself, and the police officer plus some bystanders mic spamming, I did not catch his name unfortunately.
Why we should unban you: Considering I was not aware arrest batons count as FearRP as that doesn't exactly make sense. I was backing away from the arrest baton then people started shouting down the microphone about fearRP then as I stopped to listen and (try not to get warned) I was banned, no warning, no advice such as; as you have never been banned before where you aware that Arrest batons count in FearRP, instead of this it was a straight up ban. The reason I care about this is because first off I was trying to keep a ban record clean and secondly, I cant exactly play this weekend anymore. So please look into this and I hope you can see my point of it. A warning would have been nice, as I have seen FearRP warnings be given in the past. I understand the reason behind the ban now, and I now realise that arrest batons count towards FearRP so at the time I was in the wrong without knowing.
I didn't ban you because you walked away from just the arrest battron I've also banned you because after the police officer have switched his arrest battron to the taser you still decided to backaway from it.
I stopped as the taser was produced, but it seemed to be too late as I was banned when the taser was brought out, honest mistake, prior to this it had only been an arrest baton present to my understanding.
Not involved Warned
I understand, for that I am going to unban you however the ban will stay on the record. Approved.

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