Unban Request (Donation Issues)
Your name: 

Your ban ID: 

Banned by:

Donation issues


Why we should unban you:
To start with, the day I joined this server was when I started to enjoy Gmod, it was the perfect server, actual RP which I was amazed by with minges from time to time who were dealt with swiftly, I used to come home from high school and get straight onto gmod just to play on FL, I enjoyed the server so much that I thought it would be a good idea to donate through a shared Paypal account (between me and my brother), now I know it sounds like a bad excuse for a charge back but I can honestly say I had no clue he was going to chargeback the donations I made with MY money, he's just cocky enough to try and 'control' what I do with my money. The day I was banned I was very confused, I checked the Paypal to see what the donation issues were about and had only just realised what he had done, after that day I regretted ever sharing an account with him as he decided to chargeback every purchase (yes EVERY purchase) I had made with the Paypal account. I have since been banned from FL and have had nothing to do as FL was all I used to play on. I was also very saddened to lose such a great community I had once been a part of with alot of friends, I hope I can be given another chance in the community and repair any damage I have done.

I was planning on keeping this short and simple but I was told by an admin that I had a chance at being unbanned if I appealed, even if that chance is very small I just want one last shot at playing on the server, I have only ever had one other ban on the server and that was totally unintentional and I did own up to it. I have also since that day made my own Paypal account and learned the hard way as to why I should never share Paypal.

Sorry for ANY issues that I caused with the chargebacks and I am willing to compensate anything that was charged back. I just want one last shot at playing on the server as it is all I really enjoyed doing, thanks for reading the appeal.

I'm the Owner of another community that he donated to and his brother chargedback on my server too, so I guess I can support his story, as he did seem geniunely sorry. He took steps to ensure that the account was secure and was more than happy to pay me back, but luckily enough I managed to win the chargeback case so that wasn't needed. Good luck with this TricKy.
Still awaiting a verdict.
Still waiting for a reply.

  1. If no staff member replies on your unban request within 7 days, your request will always be in your advantage and your ban will be removed from your record.

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