Reporting an Admin for unfairness
Name of player: Rolorox

SteamID: Dunno wouldnt let me click him but you'll know who he is since he is part of your team.

Time in GMT: Around 7pm GMT+1

Its the one running on EVOCITY_V4B1
So I was basing as a rebel for the first time so I quite rusty with the rules basing. I normally place as a policeman officer. 

An Admin decides to check my base (Rolorox) He then tells me I was double dooring or something along the lines of that of which I responded "I don't play rebel much so I am rusty with the rules for basing sorry" He then removed the props as I expected but this is when I get punished. 

He decides that since I broke this rules once and that just because I have 30hours on the server this means that I should know all the rules. I mean can one not make a mistake? So he has decided to ban me in game from using anything to build for 3 hours? Is this really fair? I explained my situation to him but he didn't seem to care.

I think it is really unprofessional to not give people a chance even when they have explained and admitted to their mistake of which will not happen again. 

I do believe he was most likely doing it out of angry as I disagreed with his reasoning for banning someone for 1 day for failrp because I witnessed it and the guy who got banned was very apologetic. So this could just be some sort of venting of his?

I dunno but I do think this was highly unfair and unprofessional. I am not asking for a demote but more of a assurance that this is not a corrupt staff member that dishing out harsh bans on users that make a slight mistake and have learnt from their mistake just from a nice friendly talk with the admin. 

Thank you for the time and please watch the video provided before you respond. Thank you.


Sorry I couldn't get my voice but you can see us type.
Moved to the relevant area of the courthouse.

Him blacklisting you is not abuse. Have you read the rules for abuse? You should be filing an unblacklist request.
No where does it state we have to give you a warning. I give plenty of new players warnings. But to me 30 hours is more than enough time to read the rules which may take an hour at most. Not only is doubledooring a fairly well known rule. But it is common sense that one should not put a prop over a door. As I told you ingame this was a blatant rule breakage and I did not handle it in an offensive manor. A blacklist for this situation is deserved and if anything generous. 

With 30 hours the blacklist is your warning. I did not ban you even after you showed disrespect in OOC and continued to badger me about the subject. I handled it calmly and issued you a valid blacklist. 

As I said warnings are not necessary and I gave you a fair punishment based on your time played.

The administrator in question did not abuse his powers. If you feel the blacklist was invalid, please make an unblacklist request.

Concluded and closed.

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