Bottle Of Milk Ban
Your name: Bottle Of Milk

Your ban ID: 58958

Banned by: [FL:M] Rolorox

Reason: RDM as gun dealer. Killing multiple people as Gun Dealer during a raid

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: A glitch acquired where I was told I was a citizen by the job system but I was still a guns dealer.
You had the gun dealer player model. As well you were killing cops in the middle of the street during a raid. You had no reason to be a part of the raid even if you were a citizen. 
Let me explain. On my screen the Job said 'Citizen'. I would never join a raid or RDM as a Gun dealer. That is Fail RP and ,in my opinion, Disrespect to the game mode itself. I tried to apologise to the people that I killed but was unsuccessful due to the ban.If it was not for this glitch this ban/miss-understanding would not of happened. Hence the reason I am asking for the ban to be lifted. If it is lifted I will return to the server and apologise and thank you if I see you. For now I sit here waiting for your response.
I will show you why your story doesn't make much sense.

You spawn as Gun Dealer, a minute later you equip ammo and take out a MAC-10. You made no attempt to set job to anything as you had been previously a gun dealer for a while. Even if you thought you were a citizen you cannot raid as a citizen and would have had to be a criminal. No /job Command was made. You then proceed as gundealer to kill 2 people and then disconnect manually. Not time out or crash. You then reconnect. 

v2d [17:26:15] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985) has spawned as Gun Dealer

v2d [17:27:26] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985) has used 1 ammo_rifle

v2d [17:27:29] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985) said: /me takes out a Ingram MAC-10 from their backup.

v2d [17:27:40] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985) Killed: Tupac (STEAM_0:1:89171963) using 

v2d [17:27:43] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985) Killed: GriminaL (STEAM_0:1:17456526) using weapon_mad_mac10

v2d [17:29:24] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985) Disconnected (Disconnect by user.)

v2d [17:29:38] Bottle Of Milk (STEAM_0:1:73077985)connect: () [82] [] []
Now here is what happened for me.
Now after multiple attempts to change to a citizen I couldn't due to a timer. After that duration I was killed during being a gun dealer. (I think this was because I was in the middle of gun fire.) Now this is what I think caused the glitch.
When I died I was in the menu changing job. It said I was citizen when I realised I had died. Due to me dying and changing at the same time I think it was the cause of said glitches. I understand this seems weird and no longer expect you to remove the ban. I am not saying that I don't want this but I also understand it may be a stretch. Instead I am doing this to try and show you that the ban should be shortened .If you could shorten the ban this would be amazing as it would show me ,and a lot of my other friends who go on this server, that the admins are both understanding and ,in lack of a better word, merciful towards people like me that experience glitches that cause bans such as this.
Your sincerely
-Andrew Jenkins
Well I would just like to state and ask again. It is a 1 day ban, but that is besides the point. If you thought you really did switch to citizen. Why was no attempt made to change your job? The point I am making is even if you were a citizen. Raiding/Killing people as a citizen is failrp and would be issued a day suspension as well. The fact that you got a day for RDM and while being a Gun Dealer seems a little generous already in my opinion. You equipped a weapon roughly a minute after you re-spawned. Which means you made the conscious effort to pull a weapon out and kill people without changing your job to the roleplay in which you wanted to do.  I hope you understand that the ban in my opinion should not be shortened. But an admin will overlook everything you have stated and come to a final verdict. 
Denied. A "glitch" does not cause you to RDM people then DC.


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