
7PM Today GMT-1
Steam ID:
Name of Administrator:
Note: A week ago, no faction was able to claim any land that was NOT linked to their first claim. Because of this being a factions server, we requested(To Temar) that you can claim more land that is NOT linked to your first land of which Temar proceeded to agree on and enabled. 

[This is the Minecraft server, please note:
The [FL] tag is on the server and it's on the Fearless forums as the FL server, so any actions on this server are to be accounted to the FL name]

Today I embarked on my voyage to the forgotten land of Ye Pirates! I approached their base with the utmost caution and called my swordsman Awestruck, to fight by my side. We then snuck to their base and awestruck decided to infiltrate into their base while I acquired my TNT to blow them to the moon. Awestruck, struck down on Rickets bringing the pirate to it's knees but was sliced in the back by the Smex. I then decided, I would finish the job. I went back blew a whole in the wall and  slayed Shadow in one blow. Rickets then jumped in and started his assault on me, he died swiftly while I was being struck in the back by the fallen Shadow and the infamous Smex. I then killed both of the pirates who tried to bring me down. I proceeded to TP'd Awestruckbullet back to acquire the loots as my pockets were full. We then claimed next to their which was FOUR blocks away from their chests. FOUR. We could stand next to their base thats how close we were, there was no cobble or stone in the way of their chests. 

[Image: 2yvs8q1.jpg]

They then ALL left the game(Ragequit?) and we started to TNT cannon(Remember that Mandukar is in their faction and was most likely telling them this). We landed 4-5 TNT into their chest room but they didn't blow up, we was pissed of to say the least so we left and waited for them to join the game and then we'd go back.

A few hours later, I am building my base and in the bottom of the chat I see 'You have been conquered! At x cords'. I am saying to myself 'What. The. Fuck.'. I then go to my potion room drink my pots go to my home at their base confused what has happened. He claimed over my land.... Temar, used his admin powers to remove my chunk and make it his own. I then was like'What the fuck' so I ran at him and proceeded to kill him... You guessed it, was in Gamemode (Before continuing, I would like you to think. Firstly, why is an admin is gamemode creative?). So I then say, 'Nice Godmode Temar' POINTING out to Temar so if he DIDN'T know he was in god mode, he know does. He does not remove god mode at-all. I then ask him, why have you removed our claimed chunk. His reply was 'It's a bug and I have abused it' or something like that.  Firstly, you say that 'it's a bug' .Mind telling me why you decided it was fine for you to(Full knowing that it was a 'bug') claim chunks that was not connected to each other? Also, you then say that you was 'testing' and that was the purpose for this. If 'testing' was the purpose for this, and you sat that you tested it today. Why didn't you test it last time you added it? 

Also, as he overclaimed our land we were rendered for 30 minutes unable to leave this area as he claimed all the chunks around us. We would of been able to leave but we couldn't leave because he removed our land

I request that the logs of todays events are posted PUBLICLY so I can carry on my point. This is due to Temar commenting on other points and I would like to develop my argument further.

To conclude, as we can see here. The developer in question has decided to admin abuse his powers so he can claim OVER my land of which was 22/69(Which mean's my land is not possible to be claimed by). He deemed this worthy because we was exploiting a 'bug' which I can promise you it is not. Also, he while doing this, was invincible to damage meaning we could not kill him to claim. Please remember that this IS a Fearless server and this developer has CHANGED the gamemode to what he desires in order to win(Note that Temar was in this faction). This admin/developer should not be trusted with admin powers as he's soul purpose is to abuse them.


[Image: 1ttycm.jpg]
Noda is involved as we were on the server as a witness to it.
Firstly the unable to claim if not linked has been enabled the entire time so don't lie saying otherwise
There is something wrong with it so it's not working and people can claim unlinked land
I didn't have a big issues with this although I did want to get it fixed (still needs fixing)

Now there isn't much wrong with the attack it self and yes later I came back to fix the problem with you taking advantage of the bug for the person of attacking a faction
I simple did this by removing your land and yes at the same time expanding ours which can be easily done by any person if the faction with rights
As an admin I removed your land
As a player I expanded land to protect Which is an extremely simple task

I removed yours land because it was very unfair on the base owner to have you there making it impossible to recover

I'd also like to add that this isn't part of taking a base as you had to right to capture as our power wasn't low enough

So it just a raid

We never accused it like this and not should of you

And finally yes I was in God as I was talking to you in game answering your questions and I am at work using Remote Desktop and as such unable to play as a player. I could barely walk around
Which apparently was a waste of time because you don't listen and post here instead
Oh and your comment about getting abit stuck
Well that's not my fault you setup warps for raiding and then warp onto our land (something I will fix )
I guess I can post here as I am a witness to the updates that were made to the MC server and Ghost requested me to post.

In regards to being able to claim unlinked chunks, Temar changed this on the second day of the MC server release after much demand. As far as I remember, you couldn't claim any land that wasn't linked with your base but you could claim land that was owned by another faction if their land was greater than power. This recently changed again (I think?) and now you cannot claim chunks that are not linked anymore. I'm not sure if this is accidental or not.
Kind Regards,
Firstly, I have almost ZERO clue what you're saying. So I am going to have to make assumptions on what you're saying.

Ok, I cannot believe the first sentence you say is straight up lying. Please remember that lying in the courthouse is a permanent ban from the forums so I do expect you to be banned at the end of this. Anyone who has been playing the minecraft server from the beginning feel free to vouch in this thread that at one point you could only claim what was connected to your base because I had to unclaim my base to raid someone.

'I simple did this by removing your land and yes at the same time expanding ours which can be easily done by any person if the faction with rights'[sic]. You did this while in god mode making it not possible to kill you, not to mention that I was unable to even see you join the server which. By making yourself immune to damage you therefore have made it impossible for me to kill you while was doing this making it abuse.

'I removed yours land because it was very unfair on the base owner to have you there making it impossible to recover'[sic]. So you decided that you would remove my land because it was unfair for you? That is the reason for the removal of the land?

'I'd also like to add that this isn't part of taking a base as you had to right to capture as our power wasn't low enough[sic]. The reason for claiming the land next to your base was to stop you coming over and claiming it making us unable to tnt cannon your base, that the was soul reason for claiming it. We had no other intentions.
(02-14-2015, 10:22 PM)Temar Wrote: Oh and your comment about getting abit stuck
Well that's not my fault you setup warps for raiding and then warp onto our land (something I will fix )
I set a /home because it was claimed BY US. You know before you admin abused to remove our land from us? Yes, that part.

Please do remember that lying in the courthouse is bannable so don't consider doing it.
Stop trying to call me a lyer And telling me I'd get banned from forum for it cuz that just being stupid considering
Now the setting claimsmustbeconnected was set to true on install. Has been true the entire time that is a fact and as I stated it's also bugged
Also the only thing you can debate is me removing your land as that is the main issue
Also you took wild land NOT ours as you can't take ours as that requires us to have low power
There is nothing wrong with us expanding land after the attack and I did it before changing game mode
The reason I changed game mode was to talk to you ingame with out getting killed I could of logged back off
This exact thing happened to me, but Vauld did it. If they're (Archangels and Vauldington) are allowed to do it, Temar has no right to do what he did. 
(02-14-2015, 11:05 PM)Temar Wrote: Stop trying to call me a lyer And telling me I'd get banned from forum for it cuz that just being stupid considering
Now the setting claimsmustbeconnected was set to true on install. Has been true the entire time that is a fact and as I stated it's also bugged
Also the only thing you can debate is me removing your land as that is the main issue
Also you took wild land NOT ours as you can't take ours as that requires us to have low power
There is nothing wrong with us expanding land after the attack and I did it before changing game mode
The reason I changed game mode was to talk to you ingame with out getting killed I could of logged back off

Ok I will use your point right at you.
'NOT ours as you can't take ours as that requires us to have low power'. We also had high power and was not on low power and yet you was able to take my land away from me. Also, it does not matter what land I took, it's still MY land. I can take it how I please, you didn't claim it so I see no reason for you to have it. 

Also, I'd like you to post logs of you claiming your land without you have gamemode. Also, talking to me or not. Going into game mode to stop me from killing you is not a valid reason due to a raid occurring and the claiming of MY land is blatant admin abuse, no matter how hard you try to talk your way out it is clear what you have done is abuse to stop me from TNT'ing your base. As we can see from the screenshot I was a mere 4 blocks away from your base. I ask again, that the logs from the beginning of the raid until the end of the raid to be posted and also the beginning of you coming onto the server until you leaving to be posted as well. 

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