Report: Azx DeathRay
Name of player: Azx DeathRay
SteamID: Unable too find.
Time in GMT: 11:30pm/00:00am
Server: V33x
Summary:: When trying to detain him for a law he had broken (Jaywalking) to fine and then release him, he began to run away and interrupt me. He then ran when my gun was pointed at him (pictured down because I was sprinting to capture the screenshots. 
This is clearly breaking General Rule 13:

  1. 13. Follow FearRP. You can't attack a person who has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, while you are unarmed, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun. 
 [Image: tumblr_njl1feiAUn1s2klk0o1_540.jpg]
Taking a step back:
[Image: tumblr_njl1feiAUn1s2klk0o2_540.jpg]
Running away:

[Image: tumblr_njl1feiAUn1s2klk0o3_540.jpg]
Completely out of sight:
[Image: tumblr_njl1feiAUn1s2klk0o4_540.jpg]
Halfway across the road:
[Image: tumblr_njl1feiAUn1s2klk0o5_540.jpg]
Well if you cant find the steamID we cant do anything abaout it. you have 24h to get the steam ID if not its gonna get denied.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:29300898&b=3]
Well I have checked on both Steam and using the SteamID tool on the website, but I literally cannot find him. Can you not check the logs for his ID when he joined? Its possible that he has changed his name.
The issue is not the steam id we can find that from logs.. But the only screen that you are sprinting in is the last one (it shows stamina bar)

The other pictures I think your gun is lowered mate.
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With the picture showing that he was handcuffed, I would imagine that would be enough, I hadn't released him, I would have had more proof but as I have to screenshot everything, its difficult. 
My gun was lowered at the point where he was standing in front of me and I raised it after he started running, so it was still FearRP regardless.
I do believe you it makes sense but the evidence does not show it and support the rule break.

Please get fraps if you can or try and take more screens next time.

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