Your Name: Azazel Surion
Your Ban ID: 58261
Banned by: [FL:M] Nacreas
Reason: Basing as a gun dealer, ignoring me
Involved: -
Why we should unband you: just ı cant see your text and you ban me for ignoring you so can you unban be ? realy ı didnt see your text not much.
When I picked you up and froze you I asked you a very simple question which was to why you were basing as a gun dealer. You then asked me who I was in the confusion of being picked up by an invisible staff member to which I replied to as "Yes" which was in regards to you not knowing if I was a staff member. 

I presented you with a question and asked you to read a specific chat to help you and even then you ignored me. While frozen you took a great interest into a few gun shots going off in the back ground rather than the presented question.

Personally I believe I was fair in helping you during the call trying to show you what to read by calling your name and specifically giving you the chat you should be reading to see my question "Azazel read (Local OOC)"
Here is a picture of my conversation with you which was all conducted in Local OOC from my part:

You didn't reply to anything that I said and failed to answer my questions. You broke the rules and ignored me. I don't see any reason to unban you.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
yeah ı told you ı was didnt see your type we are playing together with my friend so we speaking with skype so ı cant hear you and when you type something ı am focusing on gun shots in the background ı am sorry about that can you unban me ? please all of my friend are playing at this server and ı cant play it. I dont wanna ignor you please unaban me
If you're being spoken to by a staff member and are restrained from moving you should have either left your call or turned down the audio.

If you can't hear my voice or read my text chat messages you've obviously got to do something about it. You broke the rules by basing as a gun dealer and failed to answer my questions.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
can you forgive me ? as ı told you all of my friends are playing in this server and ı cant play it if you forgive me ı can complete my playind and ı swear that will never happen again
Nacreas ?
I'm not ignoring you. You're suspension is valid and I feel there is nothing more I can say on the matter.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
please can you forgive me ?
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player will stand as issued.
Please note, admitting you broke the rules will not result in an unban.

[FL] Antares
Server Administrative Team

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