Your name: NS Wortel

Your ban ID: 58193

Banned by: [FL] General Rickets

Reason: FailRP. Trying to drive a car into cubs foods to ruin an rp. 12th ban LAST CHANCE

Involved: Moon

Why we should unban you: Well i was turning my car and it looked like i was parking my car in the cubs foods but i didn't. It looked like i was parking my car inside the cubs food. I think it was misunderstanding. And General Rickets was picking up Moon and his car because he was at the 'countdown RP show' talking.
You were trying to drive your car into cub foods. You also admitted it on the roof with me. Why have you changed your story?

My english is not the best and your mic is low
You were willing to accept a blacklist, why would you accept a blacklist for something you don't understand?

Me understand blacklist. But not everything. Ban is to much blacklist is good.
I'm afraid due to your priors the ban was needed. Do you have anything else to add to your UBR?

Denied the player in-hand has 12 bans. Knew what he was doing. Was aware that he tried to drive the car into the RP would be against the rules.

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