Report: ben snipz, POOTISMAN, Forrest Gump, Festive Hoder vill rulle, WOLLABILA
Name of players: ben snipz, POOTISMAN, Forrest Gump, Festive Hoder vill rulle, WOLLABILA

SteamIDs: ben snipzSTEAM_0:1:79627037


                 Forrest Gump : STEAM_0:0:54764143

                 Festive Hoder vill rulleSTEAM_0:1:12850394
                WOLLABILA :STEAM_0:0:28529368

Time in GMT: 24/12/2014 2100-2125GMT (approx.)

Server: V2D

Summary:   At the time stated above, many people began to rulebreak, minge and aggressively drive. The following people were caught rulebreaking on several occasions, which I had recorded in snippets (due to PC memory and performance) as evidence:

                   ben snipz: - RDM - Attacking random people with a knife as a rebel

                                   - Abuse of knife, randomly knifing buildings, windows and objects.
                                   - FailRP - Buying irrelevant doors, changing 'Rebel Leader' job name to 'Song Man'

                                   - Asking to be placed upon KFC rooftop by a chef.

                                   - Prop abuse - Attempting to volley an EvoCity Radio entity onto the roof of the Bank of America. Seen by [FL:M]Raptor.

                   POOTISMAN - Randomly hostaging police in the streets as a citizen

                                       - Propblocking the door to BP with a barricade

                   Festive Hoder vill rulle - Jumping on dead bodies

                   Forrest Gump - Massive, intentional CDM, resulting in an estimate of 20 attempts.
                                        - Disconnecting and reconnecting to fix and regain vehicle

                   WOLLABILA - Punchwhoring ben snipz
                                      - Causing ben snipz to retaliate, thus promoting aggressive RP


Evidence: (Apologies for the 480p post, due to limited internet bandwidth. If you need any clearer sections of the footage, I am available)
Not involved-Warned
(12-24-2014, 10:09 PM)CapybaraZech Wrote: This post/template is really messed up, might wanna fix.

Template fixed.

Forest gump should deserve a VERY long ban, the guy has intentionally hit over 30+ people. Reconnecting everytime his car got taken out.
Involved - Was on at this time and saw 'ben snipz' and 'Forrest Gump' break rules numerous times, However no evidence to back up with what i'm saying but a quick look about the logs from the time stated above should back everything up.
Witnessed ben snipz breaking NLR and recorded it, I can post evidence of this if needed. He'd been minging around all nigt and had been shooting cars and arresting without reason.
Screenshots have been extracted from the video to clarify the names and actions of the offenders

Forrest Gump Disconnection/Reconnecting:
[Image: x1mwar.jpg]
ben snipz Changing rebel leader name to 'song man' (FailRP):
[Image: 2wnczs3.png]
POOSTISMAN randomly hostaging in the street:
[Image: msnm2r.png]
Festive hoder vill rulle punching dead body:
[Image: 10s9ftc.png]
POOSTISMAN propblocking door to BP with concrete barriers:
[Image: 30benhx.png]
ben snipz (screenshot prior to RDM and general knife abuse)
[Image: 1565out.png]
The following screenshots were extracted from the original source video.

P.S If any further evidence is required in higher-quality (due to limited bandwidth on my part), do not hesistate to contact me.
Pootis propblocked bp, I have screenies of this on my PC. I can post them on the 27th. I also witnessed forest gump cdm like 50 times with a BMW and a Lokus. It was a nightmare.
Involved. I was in the BP Store with POOTIS and I was trapped because he propblocked the door.
Request on ben snipz reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding RDM.
Blacklist(s) from weapons will be applied for 4 hours.

Request on Pootisman reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding Prop blocking.
Blacklist(s) from Physgun, props, and toolgun will be applied for 4 hours.

Request on Festive Hoder vill rulle reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding FailRP.
Suspension will be applied for 1 day.

Request on Forrest Gump reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding Mass CDM.
Blacklist(s) from vehicles will be applied for permanently.

Request on WILLABILA reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by accused player.

[FL] Sir Crow
Server Administrative Team

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