Unblacklist Thetom5000

Your name:[CBC]Thetom5000
Your blacklist ID: 25368 

Steam ID STEAM_0:0:44707864:

Reason: handcuffing a moderator during a case:

Admin who blacklisted you: [FL] Narcotic:

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I was teaching my friend the basics of this game and then he accidentally handcuffed someone before i could say sorry and get the mouse off him the admin had already put me in the sky and blacklisted me so i was wondering if i can be unblacklisted it wont happen again and i really love this server and playing on it and don't want to wait a day and 9 hours to play as police again. My friend had control of the keyboard he had know idea what he was doing but i was walking him through the various things eg stun gun handcuffs and then as he was walking along he just hit the mouse button not knowing it what it would do and if it would handcuffed someone i tried to grab the mouse of him and uncuff and say sorry to the guy but by that time you had already put me in the sky and blacklisted me. I tried messaging the admins with @ but none of them repyled.
Why are you appealing such an old blacklist?

This staff-member is no longer with us, and you've waited too long before appealing your BL.
If it was unfair then you should have appealed it when you recieved it.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
so there is no way you can unblacklist me?
I don't see why we should.

You're appealing this blacklist too late.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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