Unblacklist request - Greed
Your name: [FL:RP] GreeD^

Your blacklist ID: 44826, 44827, 44828

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:41161698[/b]

Reason: Building during raid/gun fight

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Sir Crow

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Well first off, what raid are you talking about? If it's the one in the apartments, no one was shooting at the time i was building, and i had no warrant or anything?

Sorry for not putting alot of effort in it, but i find it hard to see why i was blacklisted.
v33x [17:23:10] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me takes out a AK 47 from their backup.
v33x [17:23:17] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /job Sarkowsky Family
v33x [17:23:18] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /inventory health_kit use 1
v33x [17:23:19] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 health_kit
v33x [17:23:21] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me uses a healthpack to heal his wounds.
v33x [17:23:22] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /inventory health_kit use 1
v33x [17:23:23] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 health_kit
v33x [17:23:24] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me uses a healthpack to heal his wounds.
v33x [17:24:13] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 ammo_rifle
v33x [17:24:16] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /inventory health_kit use 1
v33x [17:24:17] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 health_kit
v33x [17:24:18] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me uses a healthpack to heal his wounds.
v33x [17:24:34] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /inventory health_kit use 1
v33x [17:24:35] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 health_kit
v33x [17:24:37] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me uses a healthpack to heal his wounds.
v33x [17:24:55] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /inventory steroids use 1
v33x [17:24:55] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 steroids
v33x [17:25:11] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has spawned models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1x2.mdl <------- Spawned a Prop.
v33x [17:25:27] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 ammo_rifle
v33x [17:25:29] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) has used 1 ammo_rifle
v33x [17:25:30] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me holsters the weapon.
v33x [17:25:35] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) said: /me takes out a M4A1 from their backup.
v33x [17:26:23] [FL:RP]GreeD^ (STEAM_0:1:41161698) Killed: Peeks (STEAM_0:1:59549269) using weapon_mad_m4

As you can see with the logs you were using health kits which means that you were getting shoot at. Then you spawned in a Metal Plate. We also saw you spawn in the prop while you were getting by the SRU.
I was running away from them, they were far behind (Pretty sure i lost them for a period) untill they spotted me on the top apartment, they weren't raiding or anything. The reason for the kits was that i was shot previously before running/(driving) away from them

And i never denied spawning in any props, but there was no raid/shootout going on during that period of me spawning it in.
You had been running away from the police, while shooting at them for what ever reason. You ran into the hotel, bought the doors on the top floor, went on the roof and made a small/simply defense.

You didn't lose them at all. They watched you run into the hotel and followed you. They searched every floor and room, until they got to the top. One went outside to see if you had been on the roof, saw you. You killed that cop, then the other one killed you.
Building during raid/gun fight
That is the reason for the blacklist.

NO gun fight was happening while i spawned in the prop, the damage logs can tell that there was atleast 2 minutes of space between the last damage done, and me spawning in the props, besides, how is it a raid if i never got a warrant?
You had been being chased by the cops. There was a gun fight. You ran away, bought a building, made a little defense for yourself in the middle of the said fight. All 3 players (You, and the two cops) hadn't been done with the gun fight, as obvious by the logs.

You and the cops had been shooting at each other, you ran away, bought some doors, spawned a small metal prop, and waited for them to come into the door. I wouldn't stop and get a warrant when someone is shooting at me and took cover in their house.
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Blacklist(s) for accused player will stand as issued.

[FL] Sir Crow
Server Administrative Team

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