UBR - VeteranIV
Your name: veteraniv

Your ban ID: 56651

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason: ''admin disrespect breaking fear RP mass times after warnings too'' and I refused arrest

Involved: a-

Why we should unban you: I should be unbanned because I had only just joined after downloading all the files and having to go online to download the map which shows I really wanted to play and I am sorry I was rude I know that but everyone deserves a chance, not to just get banned off the bat, so I would really appreciate it if I was unbanned and given a chance to play... Thanks.
Thing is I gave you a chance and I told you to read the rules. You proceeded to tell me to grow up.

Its not my job to babysit you if you cant follow the rules then prepare to receive a punishment.

Simple as that read the rules during your ban time.

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