i want unbanning
[b]Your name:SGTSHREEVE

[b]Your ban ID: 1 day 23 hours

[b]Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

[b]Reason: FearRP, failRP punching armed men telling him to leave. Staff disrespect.

[b]Involved: [FL] General Rickets and some more ppl

[b]Why we should unban you: i was annoyed coz [FL] General Rickets had demoted me for no reason then when i said i was reporting him he started saying do it and shit then all of a sudden i have 4 men pointing guns at me and i only punched 1 of them that is hardly punching armed men.
my case number 56495
You being annoyed is not an excuse to break the rules as you did.
You had 4 armed men telling you to exit, and you say "fuck you" while punching me.

That's failRP and FearRP. You refused to leave when ordered too, while under gunpoint.

You broke the rules and there's no reason as to how you're innocent and why this ban should be removed.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
what is the *** you part
So. You came up to me for demoting you, which was a honest mistake on my behalf. Which I admitted ingame. You then got put under gunpoint started punching Enzyme when he was under gunpoint then proceeded to call us shit admins.

You would not punch an armed man who had a gun on you irl. You broke fearrp.

i did not call them shit admins it was just you due to u not sorting your error out and i would punch someone who had a gun and attempt to disarm them
(12-07-2014, 02:21 AM)SGTSHREEVE Wrote: i did not call them shit admins it was just you due to u not sorting your error out and i would punch someone who had a gun and attempt to disarm them

Well then, you don't need GMod when you can go into the jungle and play Rambo for real.


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