Unblacklist request
Your name: Kovert

Your blacklist ID::41123

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:14379687

Reason: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=53365
I replied on the thread once, Burnett chose to reply nearly a week later and I was not informed in any way that my input was required following his post.(By that point I had completely forgotten about it)

Staff member who blacklisted you: Burnett

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: For once, I was not given proper notice by Burnett that my input was required in the report thread. The raid was completely legitimate and I would have had no problem explaining my actions had I been told that I was required to give further information. In addition, it has been over two months now and every time I connect it seems to reset itself to 5 hours.
First things first:
I don't need to inform you about ban/uban requests. Thats your own job.

Now take your time and explain the situation.

It's not your job, really? So I'm just supposed to log in daily and hope that after a week or two an admin takes the time to reply. You took 6 days to reply to that post and it didn't occur to you that you should inform someone when you're requesting him for his statement? I wasn't even aware I was blacklisted until after the fact because you didn't take the 30 seconds it would've taken to let me know.

It was over two months ago, I barely remember any of it by this point, and if explaining it is a must to getting this blacklist lifted, I'll just play through it. Thanks Burnett.
(12-06-2014, 01:47 PM)Kovert Wrote: It's not your job, really? So I'm just supposed to log in daily and hope that after a week or two an admin takes the time to reply. You took 6 days to reply to that post and it didn't occur to you that you should inform someone when you're requesting him for his statement? I wasn't even aware I was blacklisted until after the fact because you didn't take the 30 seconds it would've taken to let me know.

Correct. That is not a part of my work here. Once you've responded to a Ban Request, its your responsibility to take care of it.

(12-06-2014, 01:47 PM)Kovert Wrote: It was over two months ago, I barely remember any of it by this point, and if explaining it is a must to getting this blacklist lifted, I'll just play through it. Thanks Burnett.

No problem. Thank you for your time.

Unblacklist Request Denied.

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