Ban request on few rebels
Ah right, apologies as I didn't notice.
Anyways there seems to have been a mishap with the rules as the "Always yell before a raid" Has been removed, (We still enforce it and EVERYONE knows it, including you guys) however in the earlier comments you defended yourselves saying you did call raid, and now you're suddenly changing your story to say you didn't but its not in the rules. Which probably means the rest of your defence is also unreliable.
On top of that you also random raided.
We never said we didn't yell raid... We were trying to point out a flaw in the rules regarding the one in question, that people were trying to get us banned for not yelling raid, when we did, and that it didn't even matter because it wasn't in the rules. I activated my raid bind multiple times just to prevent this argument. You can check the server logs, because surely they record the use of chat and the /y command.
You're making the excuse "ITS NOT IN THE RULES"
That hints quite a lot to you not yelling it.
I apologise for not uploading it to youtube or so i just couldn't get it working probably youtube doesn't support video type
Once again, if you do not believe me, then please check the server logs. I still don't understand how it's an issue. People cannot be held accountable for a rule that doesn't exist. And even if it was in the rules before, the fact remains that it wasn't a rule at the time the event in question occurred.
You also said that your raid reason was cause we were with the group that raided you before and you said that "why are we on their roof if we are not with them" , we were not on their roof it was obviously our balcony.
You know, you could just as easilly be lying about not being their allies.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out, this has really just become an 'our word against theirs' case. So exactly how is this going to be ruled when it's only personal accounts with no evidence? The admin's personal opinion of the players? Because I already know for a fact Storm isn't particularly fond of us...
Ok well can I just state before this gets completely out of hand.
its another our word against theirs and there is absolutely no evidence what so ever.

Also this is pathetic. I came back to this server to RP with some friends not to go through this shit again. I'm sick of it, This is exactly what happens last time storm when I was in the Yakuza and this silly bitching at each other isn't helping anyone and its the one of the reasons I stopped playing so would you please just cut it out.
you guys have been fucking with us all last night and now today. You think your some big guys who can stomp us out with pathetic ban requests every time you get raided. Well let me tell you.
YOU AIN'T SHIT... You are a bunch of pussys using the alliance with the semper fi to threaten people and as a reason to start wars.

As a former Yakuza iv been through more than you can fucking imagine, We were at war with semper fi for a whole fucking month with non stop fighting.
And it took half our members been banned and our clan page to be taken down for it to stop.
I refuse to go through that bullshit again.

Other than you admitting you had no actual RP reason to raid.
Okay Mr. Roleplay Guard... Whats an actual reason to raid?
Go ahead. Tell me.

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