UnBan Request XxRhysBronwxX
Your name: XxRhysBrownxX
Your ban ID: 52249
Banned by: [FL] Floodify
Reason: BRA (50589) - Scamming
Involved: - Possibly craigb562 and i don't know the guy i sapossidly scammed it was a while back
Why we should unban you: Ok i put a ad up saying i was sellin my hummer so the guy came wanting to buy it he gave me the money i waited a little bit because i was cheaking my phone and then the server restarted and i got back on he never came back on i was going to give him the hummer but he never came on then he reported me now i am banned. I did't scam him i was giving it to him i don't have the hummer but i can sell my car and get a hummer then give it to him.
Kind Regards,
Ban reinstated
I dug into the old Logs
There was no server restart, you disconnected
you then came back 2 hours later and started to try and sell the hummer again (which at this point isnt yours)
and eventually sold it hence why you no longer own 1
No hold on, yes i disconnected because my internet crashed and yes there was a restart of the server the guy was on at the time for like 5mins and he went off so he never came on for like 1 day so i sold it again and yes i will give him the car if he wants it but he needs to be on. So i should be unbanned.
You came back and started to sell it 2 hours later? This doesn't seem like a coincidence..
Kind Regards,

It's scamming. You sold something of yours that wasn't yours.
Kind Regards,

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