Sold Toyota Supra - Not fully refunded.
After the car's came out i was told you get a full refund on cars you bought on the market, well i solt my toyota supra and got 90k... I hope you can give me another 100 as i wanted to buy one of the new cars Cheese thanks in advance.

Draitz Wink
You got a full refund automatically if your car was replaced. The Toyota Supra was not replaced.
Oh, i jsut got told you get the full market price when sold by a admin. So there is no refund?
There is no refund if your car wasn't replaced no. I believe you misread a post by SoulRipper, hw said Temar was making a script that would give you the full market refund for vehicles that got replaced
Supra wasn't changed or edited, if you sell it on the market you'll it get half
Kind Regards,

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