Estleback Corporation
Goodbye Pavillion, Thanks for your time here with us.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator

I am hereby re-opening the applications to Estleback once again. Changes that was planned has been halted, due to certain priorities. However, instead of an intimidate change, we shall slowly but progressively make changes that will in the end be noticeable. We have a big change in mind, however, that is a long term project. Certain members will be contacted for builds or assistance in other areas. That brings me to the second part of this Announcement!

I am glad to announce that two Engineers has been promoted too Advanced Security Engineers! They have assisted and have been willing to start new projects and co-operate with other engineers to make something great! They will both be specialize in Security Engineering, to give us optimal security on our aircraft's, our bases and various objects. Huge congratulation to Advanced Security Engineer Faustie and last but not least, Advanced Security Engineer ArcHammer! May your role as ASE lead to greater achievements and progress within Estleback.

Director of Estleback Corporation
Terrence Williams, Estleback Corporation Leader
Kind Regards,
The following 3 users Like Floodify's post:
  • NotSep, Wood, ArcHammer
Congratulations, I am sure you will do perfect in your new role.
Kind Regards,
The following 1 user Likes Wood's post:
  • ArcHammer
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
RE: Job Application
**you open the email and read its contents**
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Barkles

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59905246

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 792

Real Age: 16

How many RP points do you have?: 9 (MEGA PC, BW phones, Hobo RP, MEGA Mall, Bistro RP, Post office RP, Supermarket RP, Efest, Sky Café)

How many bans do you have?: 2 (last ban 14/11/13)

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT +1 (UK)

In-Character Information

Personal Information:
Attached photo of myself, myself when I was in the armed forces and a map of my birth place

Full Name: Jeff Barkinsaw

Code name: N/A

Age: 38 (D.O.B 07/06/1976)

Nationality: American **passport lists place of birth in Seattle, WA**

Personal traits: Jeff is a smart man, he has a proven head for tactics and business. He is a team player, who will consistantly listen to the orders of superiors and peers, in order to secure the best outcome for both himself and the team as a whole.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history:
He is about 6ft tall, of medium build, notible features are his thick Seattle accent and a small scar on one of his fingers from debris.
Jeff was born in 1981 into a lavish household. His  father, Jim, had made his fortune in the retail industry and Jeff was set to enjoy a life of luxuary. however, in 1991 when Jeff was ten his father was involved in a road traffic accident which killed several school chidren.
After he was tested it was found that Jim was under the influence of several banned subnstances and a large volume of alcohol, and he was sentenced to 30 years in a state prison. The reason that he was in this state in the first place was that his company, Multi Enterprise General Association (MEGA for short) had suffered a dramatic finantial shortfall in the last month of trading, effectivly bankrupting the corporation. Jim had tried to keep the company afloat with personal finacne however eventually there was no more money. Jim hanged himself in his cell three weeks after sentencing, sending his family into poverty, as of course, they had no money. Jeff was now left at ten, without a father, he and his mother struggled through the next eight years until he rached the age of eighteen when he left to find his fortune.
Jeff then sustained several jobs over the next six years, he washed dishes, fished, and even turned to drug dealing for a short period of time. This was until he found Blackwatch Inc. At the time they seemed to be the savior, offering a high paying wage for effectivly standing around all day toting a machine gun. Nonetheless Jeff stuck at it and eventually sustained the rank of General. He was greatly proud of himself and attempted to reform the corporation with his trusted advisor, Vincent, however this was when the war started. One day, seemingly unprovoked a corporation named OMEGA sustained a deliberate attack on Blackwatch. Jeff, not knowing what to do ordered a counter attack; but before this could happen a shadowing quasi-legal corporation named the "Ministry of Peace" cited Blackwatch as a 'terrorist organisation' and thus sent a cruise missile to the headquarters.
As the dust settled Jeff wondered why he was employed with such a violent PMC like Blackwatch. so after 2 years he left he promptly left and joined the United States Army for a further two years, training and executing strikes against terrorist forces. He used this oppertunity to feel like he was 'giving back' to his country, after all the damage Blackwatch had caused.
While he was in active service, Jeff had the idea to restart his fathers corporation, MEGA, and as soon as he left he did just that.
The first MEGA PC was made in Evocity in 2001, on Jeff's 28th birthday. The business was wildly sucessful, with its award winning customer service and staff. So eventually, Jeff opened another store, and another, and another, until MEGA had over 1300 stores across the world by the end of the corporation.
The corporation grew over the next 10 years, with various members coming and going and MEGA executing various operations. He became a loved figure and a multinational billionaire with fingers in many pies, not all of them legal. However, by 2014 Jeff had employed someone he trusted but wqould ultimatly betray him. The man's name is unknown but he was Jeff's finacial advisor. on 05/10/2014 he stole $5.2 Billion out of MEGA's accounts, forcing the company to close, as they had no way of proving they owned the money in the first place.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: After spending a long time leading a corporation, I feel I am better suited to be a team player, EBC is a very organised corporation and I think I can fulfil my desire to be a team player. I personally have always looked up to the corporation while I was managing my own and in my mind it is the logical step to apply to EBC, especially as it is such a prestigious organisation.

What division are you applying for?: Estleback Security Division (However if you want me to help build things I will be happy to)

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I trained in counter terrorism with the united states army for a short time. I also fufilled a position within Blackwatch Corporation which involved security.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? MEGA Corporation (President and founder), Blackwatch Corporation (General, 2nd in command)

Do you have any reference we can contact?: [FL:RP] Snowredwolf, [FL:RP] Unholy, [FL:RP] Von Tempski.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 10

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 8 (I am on most days, unless I have an issue to deal wwith elsewhere)

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes I fully accept
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
The following 6 users Like Barkles's post:
  • Zan, Zecon, Link, NotSep, Wood, Floodify
The delivery van comes by Estleback HQ and the driver waves at the receptionist as his associate approaches the desk. He drops off a sealed letter and places it on the desk and walks back to the van. The receptionist reads the front of the letter which reads:

[Image: e81754649b.jpg]

The receptionist swiftly gets up, grabs the letter and takes it to the recruitment office. You then later open the letter to find this enclosed:

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Nightmare

Steam ID:

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 217

Real Age: 15 (Yes, I sound like it too.)

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 3

Ban Lifted: 2013-02-21, originally placed for: Propminging, fail RP, not here to RP properly.

Ban Lifted: 2013-02-20, originally placed for: Random Deathmatching

Ban Lifted: 2013-02-11, originally placed for: Raiding nexus for no reason, Breaking NLR

However, these bans are all over 1 year ago since they were placed. I have learned from my mistakes and I haven't got a ban or blacklist since. None of these bans are under the username "Nightmare".

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT +1

In-Character Information

Personal Information: I am the Ex Alterix Strategic Director, I’ve left because I felt that my skills would be better elsewhere, and I also want to be a part of something bigger and better. I moved to EvoCity when I was just a teenager at the age of 14, I started EvoCity School of Grammar shortly after I moved into town, since, I have made several friends. We moved to EvoCity because my father’s job required him to move, so that he wouldn’t be put at risk. He’s working as a clerk in the 303rd Logistical Studies. As a result, all of the family had to come too.

Now, at age 21, I have worked in the same position as my father, however shortly after I started, he was killed. He was delivering some very important intel via a Blackhawk to the US and our flight path was right over a hostile territory, which no one thought to check and as a result, the plane got shot down with a stinger missile.

Full Name: Kyle Inverno

Code name: Nightmare

Age: 21

Nationality: British

Personal traits: Fast thinking, extremely good with tactics and computer hacker.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: As said earlier, we moved to EvoCity due to my father’s job, he’s a clerk in the 303rd Logistical Studies. All of my family had to move, so this includes Taylor Inverno and Mark Inverno too. I personally am an Ex Navy SEAL, so I have full combat training with the ability to think fast and predict the enemies next movements. I am also a whitehat/greyhat computer hacker, this means that I’ve trained myself to penetrate websites, databases, remove all types of viruses, malware, Trojans and worms and many more. This could come in useful to you, if we need to find something out about an enemy.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I feel that being in Estleback would give me the chance to meet and work with new people, making a lot more friends and getting to know them better out in the field. I also feel that the rewards system you have could also benefit me too. If accepted, I look forward to working with everyone.

What division are you applying for?: I am applying for the security division.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes, since I’ve done work in several different missions for the President and with me being an Ex Navy SEAL, I am trained how to use a gun and how to think fast. I have also worked within Alterix as the Strategic Director, so I’m able to think on my feet and I’m aware of many offensive/defensive positions.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? Alterix Corporation has been the only clan I’ve been in since I’ve joined, unless you involve the USSR, which wasn’t exactly the most active of clans.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: For 303rd, you can contact Tails59 or TricKy- and for Alterix you can contact [FL:RP] Lionel Richtea.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 6 (OOC: Please note this is currently because I’m waiting on 2 accounts to get merged. Once merged, I will be more active and that’s a promise.)

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 10

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes.

Others: I appreciate that you have taken the time to read this and I strongly look forward to working with the Estleback Corporation on future missions.
The following 3 users Like Nightmare's post:
  • Wood, dig, Zan
10.11.2014 - XD105F3

The Contessa

[Image: l1Fyieml.jpg]


Today at approximately 5:45 AM, The Contessa reached harbor and is stationed at the lake of v33x until further notice, due to current operational activities. The Contessa rolled in at 5:01 AM and 5:43 AM she opened her doors and the crew touched ground at 5:45 AM. The departure from Rellington Lake (2p) took 3 hours and was deemed successful. An infiltration by an unknown organisation was attempted, however prior to departure, the man was seen jumping down the ship; His current health condition is unknown.

All access to The Contessa has been prohibited, and only Clearance 2 personnel may access The Contessa. Surveillance is available 24/7 and any penetration will be noticed immediately. The full purpose of The Contessa's visit is classified, although it is connected with Novus Imprerium Operation, that was recent started. Estleback Corporation will not disclose any information about this matter until operation has been concluded and archived. Those whom wish to access The Contessa, must acquire Clearance 2 access card, you will be declined access if C2C is not shown. Any attempt of forgery will result in significant measures of investigation, disciplinary actions may be given.

Kind Regards,
The following 5 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Wood, Ozzie88, KIE, Link, Zan

To all current applicants, you will be contacted in the near future for an interview. Currently Estleback is constructing the very new head quarters, which you shall be interviewed in if everything goes as planned. We will contact you via -REDACTED-, please activate your access to it.

Director of Estleback Corporation
Terrence Williams, Estleback Corporation Leader
Kind Regards,
The following 1 user Likes Floodify's post:
  • Wood

The headquarters of Estleback was finished yesterday! Although there are more things to come on the HQ, the base is finished and it is fully working! It has three levels, although the third is currently not accessible due to current re-construction. First floor is only but a simply garage, whilst the top floor contains offices and a meeting room. The second floor is a future project as said, and whats to come there is not to be revealed publicly.

So what does this mean? Well, we have had applicants whom has had great patience and so the time for their final stage of the process is finally available. The interview will be done in the new headquarters, so you shall be the very first to access the headquarter without being in Estleback! Unfortunatley I need to depart to New York for a meeting about a future project that will involve the Organisations in EvoCity, so I am unable to interview the applicants this weekend. Hopefully time will allow us to have it next week!

[Image: a7Za25Zl.jpg]
[Image: 6TDghbYl.jpg]

Director of Estleback Corporation
Terrence Williams, Estleback Corporation Leader
Kind Regards,
The following 8 users Like Floodify's post:
  • dig, ArcHammer, Zecon, Weecow, Wood, Link, Zan, Victorinox
Today was the first use of our brand new HQ, and the responses were great! We managed to interview one of the applicants today and kept the HQ secure, even though one person tried to break in, she was safely dealt with by the EvoCity Police Department after we had requested their presence. Huge thanks to all of our Members that gave a huge effort to protect the HQ today, and carried out their duties efficiently.

I am very happy to announce that Jeff Barkinsaw (Barkles) to the Estleback Corporation, and we are sure you will fit in well with everyone in the Corporation, and we are more than happy to have you.

With this follows another announcement. Now our new HQ is up and running, the final applicants that have been accepted through to the next stage will be contacted for a interview at a time that will suit them, so we look forward to hearing from you all soon! Once again, I am proud to welcome Jeff Barkinsaw to the Corporation!

Director of Development
Edward Petersons, Estleback Corporation Associate
Kind Regards,
The following 4 users Like Wood's post:
  • Barkles, NotSep, ArcHammer, Zan
Welcome to the Estleback Corporation, Mister Barkinsaw. I'm sure you'll do an excellent job here
and I am proud to be working with you.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
The following 1 user Likes dig's post:
  • Barkles

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