[Unofficial] I.R.R.S - Infirms and Retards Right in Society
What is the I.R.R.S?
It all started when a new president got elected. Everyone thought he would be good for the city...but boy were we wrong. He banned everything, there were police randomly checking peoples houses, there were fires at night. But the worst thing was that he banned everyone with some sort of mental or physical disorder. We fled. We fled out of the city to a house near the villas where they would never find us. The house is 'till this day our headquarters and we are now working for Infirms and Retards Right in Society. We are ashes of the great fire that burned us. And we will do anything to destroy the goverment that we once trusted. The ''crimes'' we will commit will be things such as drug smuggling, contract killing, murder, vehicle theft, loitering aswell as grand theft. We always go by the quote ''Cogito, ergo sum'' - I think, so I exist.

Members list
Vårtsvin - President and founder of I.R.R.S
Howich - Vice president of I.R.R.S.
Anal Destroyer - Specialist in Drug smuggling.
TraxORZ - Cleaning specialist.
Dumbo1122 - Vehicle specialist.

President - (1/1)
Vice president - (1/1)
??? Specialist - (3/3)

We'll your IC has to be retard-ish. Well basically we will just have to see if we like you and then we might ask. So there is no applications and just one requirement but you don't contact us. We contact

Maybe a longer backstory.
Memberlist, information on what you actually do, also try to play around with colors and fonts.

Just out of interest why would you use violence to protect the mentally challenged?

I like the concept, good luck!
Sure is an interesting idea for a clan... I haven't really seen anything quite like this. Could be cool though, best of luck to you guys Tounge
(05-25-2014, 06:04 PM)Fiddlestiiicks Wrote: Sure is an interesting idea for a clan... I haven't really seen anything quite like this. Could be cool though, best of luck to you guys Tounge

I read mr.FLoody's thread and it said to be unique. I also like roleplaying as a retard Blush
You do know that roleplaying as a retard is not RDMing anyone you see with AK's.. Right?
Activity Notice

You have been significantly inactive thus you have been given 48 hours to prove that you are still active, otherwise your clan will close.

Clan Officer
Kind Regards,
Clan Closed

As of 08/02/14, this is closed due to significant inactivity. If you wish to re-open the clan, contact me via PM.

Clan Officer
Kind Regards,

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