Unban Request for an old ban
b]Your name:[/b] (GourmetGamer1)

Your ban ID: (48040)

Banned by: (Console)

Reason: (Double Accounting)

Involved: (-)

Why we should unban you: (This is an unban request for a perma ban i got about 3 months ago. After i got banned i tried other rp game mode but they were not nearly as good as Cityrp on the fearless servers. 3 months ago i sent an apology unban request that got denied. i understand why it got denied because admins didn't want me to think i could get away with what i did. This is my last chance at a second chance. i really enjoyed the server a lot and really want to play it again. I'm really sorry of what I did and deserved the consequences i got. i would appreciate it if i get unbanned. if not its ok, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed in myself.
Love- Gourmetgamer1 Nervous
p.s i love you enzyme)
If you want us to give you another chance for breaking the Terms of Service, then I suggest you put some more effort into the application. WHY should we really unban you? How would us unbanning you positively benefit the communtity?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Unbanning me will provide more varietys of rp. Like when i was playing i did a bunch of different rps like DJ, singer on the street wanting money, restaurant, news reporter, selling newspaper, etc. I mostly played as police officer tho. I'm not one of those people that don't take rp seriously and go on the server to "troll" people. i truly try not to break the rules while rping and also have a good time. other then this ban i have one other ban which was NLR (which i did deserve). you should unban me because i messed up. i 100% regret making the second account and trying to play on the server. I'm really sorry.
its been like 8 days since the last post I'm wondering if you guys haven't been seeing my post or if you haven't made a decision but take your time if you are Smile

The TOS were broken, and there was found no reason to give the player another chance. The rules were broken on purpose.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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