Player Name: Scytheizzle
Time in GMT: 13:00 - 14:00

i got a PM from Heinze that i should come to appartments, so i did. when i came in there was a dead guy in an apartment and Heinze stood there and took out the Contraband. two Money Printers and five Druglabs. he tells me to help him and we manage to take all the contraband down to the bottom and into another apartment in the apartments. we stay in the hall aiming at the door and guarding it. Me with an UMP and Heinze with an M4A1. after five minutes, the guy with the contra's comes back. we tell him to go away for three crowbars and he agrees. after another five minutes or so a Gundealer comes back, and when he enters, theres a Police Commander right behind him. we Shoot them both because the Police -(Schytheizzle)- is aiming the MP5 at us when he enters. the gundealer (unknown player) ofc starts yelling about RDM in the chat. we tell him the reason and situation and the reason and he seems to shut up. the Gundealer AND the citizen who agreed on leaving came back after five minutes so we shoto the floor and scare them away. We decide to stay in our apartment and guard from there instead of blocking the hallway with our gunfire. after just 2 mins theres suddenly a Police outside. (i saw it cus of the MP5 sticking through the door) The door is locked, and Heinze starts blowing up the Contra's that are out of energy. SUDDENLY the door just opens and Scytheizzle Boosts in through the door, aiming the MP5 at us. i start shooting him but he manages to kill me. that is CLEARLY braking NLR. i tried to convince him afterwards cus there was no admins logged on. (except Fallen which was AFK) Scytheizzle keeps saying that it was a "Police Routine" and that we "were clearly hiding something" how could he know that by looking at out random door?
1st rulebrake: He Comes back. 2nd: He randomly search warrants us. 3rd: how could he know that Heinze owned that door? well; because he broke NLR. 4th: he enters and kills me so iu lost my UMP.
i know this is not a big case, especially when i havent got any proofs except Heinze as a witness and those two others standing outside who THINKS we were RDMing, but i do NOT take this easy when Scyth comes with these unreasonable arguments and thinks he's actually right! unbelievable! That's what Makes RDMers and NLR brakers like him! i want him banned!

You forgot your Ban template..
I belive you. Since all the details off which gun, place, etc.
I'm sure you don't make this stuff up.
(08-17-2010, 09:53 PM)gYsteZ Wrote: I belive you. Since all the details off which gun, place, etc.
I'm sure you don't make this stuff up.

That isnt evidence >.> details and what you think Tounge
-Signature removed-
I didn't say it was either.
I said that I belived him.
Note gY we know your his friend, but telling him what you truely think won't hurt him, actually it will help him. Yeah anyways, I beilive you cause its very detailed, and throught thru, and thru, but without really any proper evidence I would actually like to see this guy play, and see what happens. ( My admin opiuon, but me no admin so, IT DNT COUNT! Tounge !
I'm Skaara's friend.
And I say truely what I think.
And I belive him because off he details, and he is 1 kind off person, that wont make a ban request for nothing.
well.. this kinda is "nothing" but it still needs to be done something about.. i've seen him on the server multiple times but never actually met him before this happened >.> so i can't really have anything against him. EXCEPT THIS STUFF ^^^^^^^^^^ the main problem isnt JUST that he broke NLR, but that he did it and thinks that he DIDNT do it. someone needs to talk to him about that rule. like an admin; a guy he actually will listen to.
he might have thought that it's not braking NLR if you come back after that many minutes. he might have thought "even if i didnt know about what happened before i died, i would still have gone there to search through the house like a routine". maybe he would, but he doesnt understand that he is not ALLOWED to go back there after dying. that is what he actually has to REMEMBER after his death.
It doesn't matter though. Without evidence it don't mean shit :/ I suppose Soul could look through the logs and that to see if it all adds up though..

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