Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: ozzie88

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:67928634

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 490hrs

Real Age: 25

How many RP points do you have?: 2

How many bans do you have?: 0 active 1 previous ban in early days

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: UK (GMT)

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Luke Michael Adams

Code name: Ozzie88

Age: 25yrs

Nationality: White British

Personal traits: good team player, strong, organized, quick to pick up on new techniques, hard worker and very good time keeping.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history:

Hi im Luke Adams, 6ft 3inch brown hair and blue eyes, stocky, have 1 brother and 0 sisters.

On the 18 February 2009 my mother and farther was kidnapped by a gang of thugs, i feared for their live as i was sent pictures of them being beaten to death, and then murdered, sworn to revenge their death i got dragged into the underworld of crime!

On 9th of Sept 2009 after such a long time of evading the law i found out more information about the gang that done this to my parents though a corrupt officer in Evocity, everything became a blur from here on after. i prepared for this day for many months, suddenly i found myself on the way to get my revenge, i was speeding down the main street with police after me for reckless driving, i crashed my car and woke up in hospital handcuffed to the bed, at that point i thought my life was over!

The police caught me with 1 ak47 and 2 Molotov and a Glock! following that unfortunate day i was sentenced to 3 years in prison: 1 conviction of heavy firearms, and 1 account of reckless driving.

Release date: 25th October 2012, since coming out of Evocity prison i have turned my life around, i am now living in a small 1 bed apartment in Evocity and now looking for a more stable future.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I'm applying to Estleback Corporation because i want to increase roleplay to a clan level. I've never been in a clan on Fearless and I find Estleback to be a best match for my unique style of roleplay

What division are you applying for?: Estleback Security Division

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: yes : during my time in the underworld i have gained lots of experience using various firearms, and when i was in prison i learned martial arts and self defense due to the high crime rates in prison and corrupt officers! combine these together and you have security.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? No, none has taken my interest like this clan!

Do you have any reference we can contact?: yes : [FL:M] Burnett + TheRock

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: everyday (8)

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: alot of time each day (9)

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes
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I'm back from my little weekend holiday, I'll make sure to get caught up and I would like to say a big congratulations to Burnett, you'll do great!

Kinds Regards
Community Member
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**You receive an open letter on your desk in the EBC HQ which reads; Dear Governance**

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL] Kpred

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24527440

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1520 as of date 10/06/2014

Real Age: 15

How many RP points do you have?: 19

How many bans do you have?: 4

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT + 1 (BST)

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Greg Jones

Code name:

Age: 23

Nationality: British

Personal traits: Fast thinker, accurate shot, friendly yet a strict side as well.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history:
Early life: Born on the 23rd of October, 1991. Growing up on the streets of London, UK. Greg was more than used to the sight of crime and robberies, a daily occurence in his life. His aims in life were to acquire the grades he wanted from school to qualify as a pilot, however he was involved in a rather serious incident in his fourth year of high school, forcing him to be permanently removed from the school and all up and coming examination courses.

Post-school: Taking all this on the chin, a few years later when he had reached the age of 16, an age that meets the army requirements, he pursued a career in the army. Months after going for his first interview he received a letter through the door, regarding his acceptance in the army.

Army: Partaking in several raids on rebel groups over the years and two tours of duty of Afghanistan Greg was withdrawn from all active missions due to post traumatic stress (PTSD) in the later part of 2010. (Pictures below)

[Image: z6HKy3a.png]

Post army: After several months of rehabilitation Greg successfully recovered however to this day still has frequent flashbacks - although not as often as he used to.

Evocity life: Moving to Evocity in the summer of 2011, Greg first off got a part-time job at the local Metro Cafe, soon after he sent in his CV to the President at the time, Michael Morgan upon which was accepted to be a part of his elite Secret Service. He was a part of the SS for two full years last month upon when he resigned.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I feel as though I can bring a lot to the clan plus I'd like to return to one of my very first clans I was ever apart of.

What division are you applying for?: ESD

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Yes I do, I have a broad knowledge of all weaponry needed to be successful in this area. I am also a more than capable driver.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? SAA, Cerberus Sierra.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: [FL] Pavi, [FL:RP] Jordy, [FL] Floodify, [FL:RP]DarkNoob.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 9

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 8

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes I do.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
The following 12 users Like Kpred's post:
  • Floodify, DarkN00b, Von Tempski, NotSep, Jordy, Link, Burnett, Blurr, Wood, Pavilion, dig, Tmdirtbike
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL] Pavi

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:53491316

How many hours do you have on the servers?:1768

Real Age:17

How many RP points do you have?: 34

How many bans do you have?:1 (Over two-three years ago)

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?:GMT + 1 (BST)

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Ryan 'Pavi' Tine

Code name:

Age: 24


Personal traits:Well Prepared, Devoted, Innovative,

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history:
The Tine Family name has lived on throughout centuries, passing down their knowledge, strengths and weaknesses. It's now Ryan Tine's turn to do the very same as his ancestors. He's not the type of person to bring shame upon his family, only honor, and that's how passes through life.

Ryan Tine was born on the 10th of June, 1986. He was born in the California Hospital Medical Center. That day was the day, Ryan Tine entered the world, unprepared and ready for anything he set out on a long journey known as life. He spent his child hood living at 1807 Chimero St. It wasn't any extraordinary house, but it was a place Ryan could call his home, a place where memories are formed, and tears are shed.

He spent his child hood years as an only child attending the Los Angeles, Lake Street Elementary School. As he developed through primary school he developed perfect traits, kind, funny, and friendly. He soon began to create a group which he could call his friends, this group was the people you'd never see apart, during school and outside. The perfect circle of friends. They soon made their way into Middle school, moving into a new phase in life. They all attended the Jack Adams Middle School. Ryan Tine flowed through life, enjoying it, knuckling down and creating friendships and developing them.

It was the year 2000, and Ryan Tine was taking his foot steps to the future, moving into high school, developing new skills which will benefit him for years to come. The months got closer to the day he will take steps in his new school, yet there was a drastic change in the way he lives his life. Due to the recession, his father lost his job, income for the Tine Family became low, some nights, making it difficult to feed one and other. They lost the house which Ryan had lived in since he was a young child, forced to settle in a cramped apartment.

The worst possible outcome for Ryan has struck, he's being forced to depart from the group of friends he has known since Elementary school, due to recent events he now has to travel to a different high school, away from anyone he knows. It was the first day, he was so nervous, he'd being told that the school was a hell hole, the teachers had no control or authority over students. He stood for a picture before he set off, you can still see the fear on the picture now. This day, was the start in a long line of pain, and hard education.

This may look like your average high school full of happy teens, but this is more of a jail than that. Each day, Ryan Tine walked into school with the fear of being, punched, kicked, spat on, the list could go on forever. On a daily basis, this would happen, the anger would build up inside, but he learnt to control it. The school ignored what was happening, didn't step it, just stood aside and let it happen.

The years passed, Ryan kept to him self, finding it hard to make relationships with the types of people he around, the assaults still continued, sometimes getting worse. He began to loose the precious traits which he developed through his early school years, becoming more weary of his surroundings, due to the constant attacks. He became more deceptive, trying to portray a different image of him self throughout his time in high school, but nothing seemed to stop the problems he was having.

It was the end of the road education wise for Ryan Tine, today, was the day of graduation. Despite everything he went through in high school, he still excelled with excellent grades, which would prepare him for the future. He heard about a small city known as 'Evo-City' where exceptional houses as cheap to come by, and the people there have formed a friendly community which works together. Ryan knew this was the place for him. He spent the next few weeks looking into it and trying to locate a house. By the end of the month, he was sitting in a armchair, of a beautiful Vila over looking the city's lake.

Shortly after moving to Evo-City, he needed to acquire a monthly income, to fund his needs. He began looking for a part time job, he was shortly offered one at a Wine Store located near a Market. It was his job to serve customers and give them information about the wines, provide them with the finest wine, and persuade them to spend their money! Although, he knows this is only a part time job to fund his needs while he located permanent position somewhere.

He recently took up a hobby to occupy him in his spare time, and this was firearms, he's admired the way they work since he was a young teen, but has never being able to handle one him self. He recently went down to the local firing range and has begun training with different types of pistols, and machine guns.


Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I am applying to the ECC because I am looking for a place which I can apply my skills, and put them to a positive use. I can bring a determined attitude, and will be able to complete any task given with respect, and not undermine any orders and respect my superiors.

I'm looking for a clan in which I can become loyal and work my way up the ranks.

What division are you applying for?:I could excel in many divisions, but my preferred would be security.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I have a vast amount of experience, especially in the field which I am applying in, I can bring a wide range of skills, relating to weaponry, communication, etc.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)?SAA, Cerberus Sierra.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Verzyn, Kpred, Shadow, Weecow

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?:7-9

How active are you on the servers 1-10?:7-9

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions?Of course.
The following 12 users Like Pavilion's post:
  • Wood, Floodify, Kpred, Von Tempski, NotSep, Ozzie88, Burnett, Blurr, Link, Ivan Tempski, Tmdirtbike, Jordy
(05-10-2014, 11:02 PM)Laurenz Wrote: Unfortunately I am forced to be absent for two to three weeks, due to some family things I'm going to participate in.

See you all soon.

Well after being absent for a little longer then I had previously expected, I am back now!

Can't wait for the next event! Cheese
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
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Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Mr.E

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:46346382

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 171

Real Age: 16

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 7

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: GMT +0 (London)

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Euan Sharman

Code name: Officer Euan (often referred to this by Pasarus)

Age: 24

Nationality: British

Personal traits: Tall, well built male. Muscular appearance yet friendly looking.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: Born in the East of England Euan grew up as part of a poor family, constantly bullied at school and then through college. Criminal gangs started to fill up the surrounding neighborhoods and eventually led to the murder of his mother outside of Tescos. Euan felt it was time to act and joined the police force. Became a decorated police officer at the age of 20 and received many medals for his bravery in the field. Co-workers commonly refer to him as 'that guy is made of iron' or 'he has balls of steel, did you see what he did'. Euan has been shaped by his past and has a kind of Max Payne personality due to it.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I have had my time fighting along side the police force, for years now I have stood along side the untrained and worst of the government. It is time I joined the elite, the private sector, the men, the Estleback Corporation. Something to live for, keeping someone safe. Risking your life for thousands of others.

What division are you applying for?: Estleback Security Division

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Security? Yes. Outside of the police I have worked security for many different gangs, groups and personalities.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? None

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Pasarus

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 6

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 8

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? yes
Dear members,

Please check the Steam Group. Check it as often as you can as new stuff might appear.

[Image: SignatureEbc_zps530925b5.png]
Kind Regards,
**Letter of Application**
16th June 2014.
To the Governance of Estleback Corporation.

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Ivan Tempski

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68782868

How many hours do you have on the servers?: (581) Current hours on Fearless. 16/06/2014.

Real Age: 13 (3/4) Born [2000]

How many RP points do you have?: (5) Current role-play points.

How many bans do you have?: (1) Recorded ban on record.

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: London GMT +0.

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Ivan Tempski.

Code name: "Kestrel"

Age: 37 years of age.

Nationality: Ukrainian.

Personal traits: - Intelligent.
- Team player.
- Weapon design and maintenance Expert.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history: Aged 8 he was an Chernobyl refugee in Poland living on the streets with his brother Von. He was eventually fostered into a polish family while his brother was off fighting in the Bosnian war. This is where he spent most of his childhood. The family he was now apart of ran a munitions company that he eventually inherited. Ten years later the company went bust and Ivan took what money he had left to join his brother in Evocity.

**Attached lost birth certificate**

[Image: birth_ukraine_old.jpg]

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: Because I wasn't happy with my previous clan due to inactivity and lack of interest, I wish to seek an organisation with more potential, professionalism and unity.

What division are you applying for?: (ESD) Estleback Security Division.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I worked for one month at MEGA Corporation as a security trainee.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? I have recently worked with MEGA Corporation.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Link66 - Barkles.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 9.

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 10.

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? I understand and accept.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
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Today I would like to announce the arrival of two new clan members. Both of them have quite the history and as well has not only gotten my respect.. but my trust as well. They both are equally good and I believe they will make wonders in Estleback Corporation. Please welcome our newest Agents, Ryan 'Pavi' Tine & Greg 'Kpred' Jones. Unfortunately the announcement doesn't stop here. Estleback has decided, after countless of hours of reviewing and discussing, that our latest applicants, except Ivan, are to be denied. We simply do not see you fit the team as for now.. perhaps in the future we might cross each others way and hopefully you are ready to be with us. Thank you for applying for Estleback, we are grateful for that.

A little thing to be added to this announcement is that the main thread has been given a bit of a "fix". The images were from a month back broken and has now been restored by Wood and myself. After going through almost 1000 pictures to find the pictures that were used, we have finally put them in the right place. Another fix.. or rather update.. is that the special unit "ESSU" has been removed for now. We do not feel that it has been having a good history and if we consider to use it, it will have a completely different agenda and will have a leader that will develop the division. The point system has been updated as well, with more valuable thing up on the market we hope this will work even better.

That's the end of the announcement. Once more, welcome Agent Tine & Agent Jones,

[Image: SignatureEbc_zps530925b5.png]
Kind Regards,
The following 3 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Von Tempski, Ivan Tempski, Blurr
Welcome to the team!

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