Unban Request
Your name: NS Wortel

Your ban ID: 49272

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: FailRP as Security Guard, hostaging people as SG.

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: I didnt know that i was a Security Guard! I have bad eyes and normally i wear glasses but i didnt had them on. So i didnt know that i was a SG i asked the admin that i can change real quick to citizen and play it over but he said no.
Let me ask you this:

Have you or have you not hostaged someone as a securityguard as your banreason states?
Yes or no?

Quote:Rules for an unban request

Do not write an unban request if you know you broke the rules.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(05-31-2014, 01:35 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Let me ask you this:

Have you or have you not hostaged someone as a securityguard as your banreason states?
Yes or no?

Quote:Rules for an unban request

Do not write an unban request if you know you broke the rules.

i dont know i wear glasses. I need glasses to see from close and i didnt have them on. Sorry about that.
Please answer my question: Did you or did you not break the rules as the banreason says?
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
No offence but poor excuse and enzyme has a point in saying you broke the rules ,accidental or not!

User warned - Posting in a thread without sufficient right. -Aviator

Banned player broke the rules and has shown no interest in his/her own UBR.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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