Salutations Fearless!
Big Grin 
Hey guys Cheese I am kinda new to the community. I look forward to have lots of glorious roleplay with you all! I have been meandering around the server a couple of times having a blast! Cool I am a Friendly, Charismatic, and , Honest player! I also play other serious Roleplay Gamemodes xD. I like Half Life 2 and most other Valve games! My favorite movies are Full Metal Jacket, Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan. Smile Smile My favorite type of music is more Rock Oriented with the occasional Dub-step Tounge . I am very active in my local community. Sometimes I go to the Soup Kitchen to feed the Homeless. I work as my local Animal Shelter as well! Smile . I go to college at Washington University to study Sociology CoolCoolTounge . I live with my girlfriend at my apartment! She is the best thing that happened to me. Thanks for reading this Cheese

Welcome to the community! If you ever need help, drop us a PM and I'll try and help you the best I can! Smile
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Welcome to FL! I wish you luck in the community! Also PM me if you need anything :)
Kind regards,
Welcome to FL!

Be sure to Pm me if you need anything!
Welcome to Fearless Community Foojile.
Be sure to read the rules and keep up that positive style of yours!
Welcome to Fearless!
Welcome to FL!
Hello! Welcome to the FL forums!
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
Welcome to the FL community! Cheese
I gotta say its one of the better newcomer threads ive seen in a while. ^.^
[Image: KyhzLMb.png]
Credits to Rain.

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