Unfair Ban
Your name: Lolzt3r

Your ban ID: 48256

Banned by: [FL] Flame

Reason: "Randomly breaking into a house RDMing someone"

Involved: Me, the admin, a fellow corleone and the owner of a house.

Why we should unban you:

The owner of the house I've been accused of breaking into asked me to drink some coffee with him outside his house. So I did. I sat down outside his house and waited for him to brew some coffee for me.

When he came back, he locked the door and sat down beside me. All of a sudden, a fellow corleone blasted off the front door with a shotgun. He wasn't wearing a suit, so I knew it were a corleone.

The owner of the house started shooting at the corleone, seeing he was armed. Being a corleone at the time, I attempted to help out the corleone. The corleone died and I killed the owner of the house.

I never broke a rule. I never even entered the house. It wasn't RDM, I tried to help out a member of my team. If any one of you have the evidence to prove me wrong, add it to the thread.

- Lolzt3r
I got a call that someone has been RDM'd, i teleport there and see you running with an AK.

Also you shouldn't get yourself involved into that seeing that it was most likely a random raid therefor you ending breaching the rules.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
Which rule did I break? I didn't RDM, I didn't random raid, all I did was helping out a teammate getting shot at. And since you teleported to the villas after the corleone and the owner of the house had been killed, you weren't witnessing the whole thing. You didn't see who killed who, all you saw was a man running around with an AK. Therefore I think this ban is unfair.
The corleone randomly raided someone which is something an Administrator takes care off, after the owner defended himself you killed him therefor you basicly killed him because he protected himself from a random raid.

Therefor you had no grounds to shoot him whatsoever.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
So you're telling me that I'm just supposed to stand still and let my teammate die? I saw the owner shooting at the corleone, so I shot back at him in an attempt to help out the corleone. That was the reason I started firing at him. I started shooting while the owner shot at the corleone. All of us were alive when I started shooting back at the guy. Yes, the owner defended himself, but he shot at my teammate.

I'd like to add that the corleone was standing less than three meters away from the owner, aiming at him with a shotgun while the owner pulled out his gun, resulting in the owner breaking FearRP.

You said you were told that someone had been RDM'ed at the villas. You stated that you saw me standing there with an AK. That's all you saw. You never witnessed me kill anyone. You never saw me entering, or exiting the house, which I never did. I shouldn't have received this ban. I never broke a rule. If you have any evidence to prove me wrong, add it to the thread.
I actually have the logs of you killing him, ANYWAY im telling you NOT to break the rules because someone else already broke them.

v33x    [19:10:43]    Lolzt3r    (STEAM_0:1:24703860)     itemgive: jonthe_gutten (STEAM_0:1:49121852) [weapon_mad_xm1014] [1] []
v33x    [19:11:44]    Lolzt3r    (STEAM_0:1:24703860)     itemgive: jonthe_gutten (STEAM_0:1:49121852) [ammo_shotgun] [5] []
v33x    [19:22:26]    xTeRiX    (STEAM_0:1:79283828)     Killed: jonthe_gutten (STEAM_0:1:49121852) using weapon_mad_ump
v33x    [19:22:29]    Lolzt3r    (STEAM_0:1:24703860)     Killed: xTeRiX (STEAM_0:1:79283828) using weapon_mad_ak47

Edit: Also you gave that Corleone the shotgun to break down the door.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
I killed xTeRiX in an attempt to save jonthe because he was in the same underground group as me (Corleone). Unfortunately, he died. Since I already shot xTeRiX, I decided to finish him off because he'd probably turn around and try to off me aswell. I mean, if you kill someone and someone else shoots at you, you wouldn't just stand still and take the bullet, right?

And yes, I sold jonthe the shotgun. He bought it from me. You should have the money transfer somewhere in the logs. But how would I know what he'd do with it anyways? I didn't break any rules by selling a shotgun to some guy.

My intentions were to help out my teammate, not to assist in the "random raid". I didn't RDM the guy, nor did I break into the house. You got involved in the aftermath of the situation. You didn't see the situation for yourself. All you saw was me with a gun out. How would you know I broke into the house and RDM'ed a guy based off of that?
I dont think you get the point, YOU killed him because YOUR corleone mate broke a rule and because of THAT you RDM'd (You shouldn't even botherd with killing xTerix nor even SHOT at him).

Because there was no reason to even RAID him in the first place.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
I never assisted in the raid in ANY way, so why does my ban reason state that I broke into someone's house when I didn't even enter it in the first place?

Let's say you were in an underground group IRL. Would you just watch one of the members in the same group get killed? Or would you help out the member if you had the chance to do so? In this case, I chose to help him out. I had a reason to kill xTeRiX. I didn't kill xTeRiX because my "mate" broke a rule, as you said. It wasn't an RDM.

I never broke into someone's house, and I didn't kill xTeRiX without a sufficient reason. That's what I'm trying to say.
It's not the point of comparing this situation with the Real Life. You still had no reason to engage because he breached a rule, that doesn't mean it makes YOU right in killing Terix in return for defending himself for something that WASN'T even allowed.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]

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