President Ban
Your name: [FL:RP] Devin

Your blacklist ID: 27850

Steam ID:mgdwszx710 (my steam name, I don't know how to find your Steam ID and I' in a rush so I can't open GMod)

Reason:Let me just say first; I love this server. I play on a crappy compaw, and get like 15fps. In gunfights, less. But I play because the admins are so good, and the RP is excellent. I was playing as president for the first time; pretty excited, obviously. It was going well, but I was a little bit confused on a few things, and when I use /radio most of the time people didn't reply with help. Sometimes people did. Many times they didn't. After a while, Kepr/Klepr joined the police force under a name I can't remember. He requested me to put up laws. I was confused about this ceratin subject at the time; is it just broadcast, or is there a command to add them permanently so people can read them? I asked 5-6 times. NO ONE replied. Then, as I was re-broadcasting the laws, Kepr/Klepr banned me. For 3 hours. For being confused. I find this a little unfair.

Staff member who blacklisted you:Kepr or Klepr (Bad memory Cheese)

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I think it should at least be shortened, if not taken off. I was confused as to the matter. He did ask me many times, but under a different name, and it must've got lost in the jumble of chat. I think I saw it once, literally. He then kicked me for minging, which I was,sorry, but I was annoyed at the matter. He referred me to here. And here I am.
I was playing on the server and was talkin to the moderator that backlisted you: [FL:M] Kpred, he said he warned you several times to broadcast laws, as that's one of the tasks as president.

You really seem like you didn't knew what to do however reading the rules is your own responsibility.
I was there, and you also put up KoS laws, which you cannot do. You did this multiple times, with warning by KPredeyes.
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]
I was there too.
About 6 people warned you too.
Then you did it a second time.
More people warned you including Kpred.
OK, maybe I was on the wrong here. I was just thoroughly confused as to where to post laws, and I thought if I broadcast them people would get annoyed with me more for not knowing how to do it properly, etc. Since the blacklist has been lifted anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, but I'll be sure to pay more attention next time.
Thanks, and keep up the good work Smile
(Also, do blacklists have certain effects? Like if you get a certain number you get banned? I really don't want to get banned).
(05-01-2014, 07:22 AM)[FL:RP]Devin Wrote: (Also, do blacklists have certain effects? Like if you get a certain number you get banned? I really don't want to get banned).

They'll stay on your record, you can view them here

All they do is decrease the chances of you being accepted into certain clans if you'd apply for one in the future that is, and maybe even decrease the chances of you becoming an admin in the far far future if you're that lucky.

One blacklist however is not a big deal.
How are you innocent in this case? Are you innocent for what you were blacklisted for? Is this blacklist incorrect in your eyes?

As I see it, this blacklist was issued with a proper reason and you got several warnings before the blacklist was issued and there is no reason for your blacklist to be removed nor shortened.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
I warned you several times prior to the blacklist upon which you simply ignored, I even gave you another chance after I told you it was your last warning to post the laws and do your warrants.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck

Blacklisted user was disiplined after receiving several warnings before the blacklist was issued.
There was found no reason to remove or shorten the blacklist issued, as the blacklisted user was found guilty of the reasons mentioned in the blacklist.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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