YesJelly-Unban Request
Your name: YesJelly

Your ban ID: 31871

Banned by: [FL] Fultz

Reason: Using invisible props to prop smash the server / Not here to rp

Involved: No one else was involved

Why we should unban you: I have been banned for around a year now or a year next month and since then I have been rping on different games like Arma and I think my rp skills have increased a lot as well as me being much more mature. And I know what I did was wrong but over the past year nothing like this has happened on any other server it was just that day last year I thought I was funny.

I realise what I did was wrong and I am not going to sit here all day saying I am sorry for what I done because it has happened now and I am sorry for what I done but I am responsible for my own actions and that is why I finally accepted the ban.

All I ask for is one more chance as I have changed a lot as a person over the last year and I do think I have matured a lot. Also, I have around about 1760 hours on Garry's Mod and when I was banned I had around 200 hours so this proves I have been playing a lot more and do now take games more seriously. As I appreciate the rules more now as I understand how annoying it is.

Thank you for your time.

I will unban you if you accept a 250 hour blacklist from props because you intentionally did what you did on the servers.
Okay, I will accept that, thank you
Approved and blacklist issued.

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