Unban Request - Censurado'
Your name: Censurado'

Your ban ID: 47365

Banned by: [FL] Infernaw

Reason: Breaking NLR

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Hi! I came here to ask for unban because I play very little time to this server with 11 or 12 hours played within the server . Turns out I was on my base and the rebel 's attacked my house and killed me . They destroyed my smuggling and also stole my car . Since my car was in my home area , I went back to the site to get the car . I saw that was not there , I looked behind the walks I leave , give me ban . I think for a person who knows the rules read who can not return to the same spot where it was killed me last 5 . But it was just to go get the car . For the NLR not know it was for less , get my car . Well I think they should first a novice person inside the server , by giving less kick so I know you might not come back at all. Because I have been asking myself take the ban because they do not know just to go get the car to the same place also gave ban . And I promise that this will not happen again . For he knew not even ...

Thanks in advance .

lengths ,

Censurado' . Angel
NLR is one of our most simple rules on the server. Something you should know in any RP server you play in.
You were killed and right after you spawned, you ran straight back to the area after you died. It took you 2 minutes.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Denied of review.

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