Unban Request: Jonesy
Your name: [FL:RP] Jonesy

Your ban ID: 47234

Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

Reason: Multiple CDM - last chance failed

Involved: N/A

Why we should unban you: I really do not understand as to why I was banned. I was offline since 22:21GMT and was not on FL since around 7pm. This can be proved with my hours, and with the support of the people I was playing CS:GO with at this time.

Shadow, Kpred, Termin, ImMikehh and a few others can vouch that I was playing CS:GO with them last night from around 7/8pm onwards. I left at 10pm as I was very tired and was not in the mood to play anymore.

With the conversation I was having with Flame last night, you can see that this is the time I left him to go to sleep. There was no further reply. (This conversation is saved in GMT+1, as it is saved from Flame.)

[Image: 21lsbbb.png]

Now, my ban was set at 2014-04-06 00:36:55 GMT +1 (or 2014-04-05 23:35:55 GMT) which was just over an hour after I had left.

If this were to be denied, I'd like to see clear evidence of me breaking these rules, may it be logs or whatnot. And I'd like an explanation as to why I was banned and who reported this.

I wasn't aware I was banned until I woke up at 7:20am and checked my phone as to which Flame had Kik messaged me telling me I was perm'd, and I didn't even believe him due to his humoristic personality until I checked the forums myself.

Thank you
- Jonesy
You had 11 bans, out of which 4 were for CDM'ing and 9 blacklists, out of which 5 were for CDM'ing.

Then I discover you CDM'ing 12 people in just one day.

Spoiler :
v2d [02:10:49] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Ran over: [FL:RP] Sir Turtles (STEAM_0:1:33654878) using models/sentry/crownviccvpi.mdl
v2d [03:51:49] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Knocked down: [FL:RP] Lazer Potato (STEAM_0:1:53511071) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [05:21:18] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Ran over: john (STEAM_0:1:85764126) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [06:52:02] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Ran over: Ðŗ.ĵRα7 (STEAM_0:0:53640149) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [09:13:33] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Ran over: [FL:RP] stupidmarket (STEAM_0:0:85574200) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [09:52:27] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Ran over: Bruce (STEAM_0:0:53300919) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [10:48:23] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Ran over: DorA (STEAM_0:1:14671476) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2p [17:41:44] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Knocked down: Lord Quazar (STEAM_0:1:44281257) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [17:57:50] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Knocked down: Sexy Banana (STEAM_0:1:59986623) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [18:01:55] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Knocked down: [FL:RP] Mika_Bomb (STEAM_0:1:57765509) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [18:06:33] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Knocked down: Scotteh (STEAM_0:1:36693231) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl
v2d [18:09:39] [FL:RP] Jonesy (STEAM_0:0:10871907) Knocked down: TunaNmayo (STEAM_0:1:12850394) using models/als/fl/als_fearless_bmw.mdl

I will admit I ran over these people with my car. The majority of these were hopping out into the road, which Shadow got up.

Not to mention there was a huge amount of lag on the server due to what seemed propspam, I did report this lag to Temar and some others. I tried to refrain from driving as much as I could, but when I did accidently hit people I got out and roleplayed it each time. I would not leave an unconscious body. If there were no paramedics I'd call an admin, and if there were paramedics I'd get out and call for one.

Edit: I find it highly unfair that you go through my logs and what I have done on the server to punish me. It seems to me as if you're targeting me or whatnot. This makes me feel uncomfortable when playing, and has done for a long time. It's not a nice thing to do, nor should it make me feel any more secure about what I do personally. You can see everything I type, do, say and why should this only happen to me?
This ban is unfair.

He was online for 16.37 hours, so over a hour of playing per CDM, and we know alot of times it's because people are on the road.

If I had played that much 1 day and drive alot during that time, I would expect similar logs on me.
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A player with such hefty history for CDM'ing should know better to watch himself. I myself, alongside with most decent people I know around here, can drive without running a single person over. I would've even forgiven you for running over 5-6 people through all these hours, but 12 is over any reasonable count.

I believe this incident shows clear lack of respect towards the disciplinary measures applied on yourself throughout your stay here and no appreciation of the fact that you're on your last chance.

In regards to your edit, there's no such thing as your logs, the evidence presented is simply an outtake of the general server log.
Most I know about you, Jonesy, is that you drive around town recklessly in your BMW, often times playing music. I have multiple times been run over by you and roleplaying or not, it is a bunch of frustration for the person driven down.
Judging from all details I'm able to access, I feel this ban is completely just.

Quote:Edit: I find it highly unfair that you go through my logs and what I have done on the server to punish me. It seems to me as if you're targeting me or whatnot. This makes me feel uncomfortable when playing, and has done for a long time. It's not a nice thing to do, nor should it make me feel any more secure about what I do personally. You can see everything I type, do, say and why should this only happen to me?

You're not the only one receiving punishments for administrators checking server logs. Heck, even I did receive punishments in the same way. And so, the targeting point is out of the way. Uncomfortable having an administration actually administrating? Well then, this community may not be the right. Administrators are not supposed to be 'nice', but to punish people who break the rules and ruin other players experience. 'what I do personally', you know this is a game. If you want a private chat, leave it outside of the servers, if you don't want the administration looking over it. Without personally knowing all administrators, I believe it would be fairly boring to just watch individual, unrelated private conversations. Everywhere on the web somebody, that is not the intended recipient, can read the message

I'm personally, along with a bunch of other players, able to drive without hitting a significant amount of citizens.

As for involvement, I have personal experience with Jonesy, specifically around the CDM subject. Is it enough to be considered involved? Well, I suppose that is a question for whichever administrator is to read this. I shall not participate any more in this thread.
I appreciate that I'm on my last chance. I have stayed out of my way to help others enjoy their time here and stay out of trouble. I have guided many others to not make the same mistakes that I have in my past.

Every time I hit someone, having been an accident, I got out of my vehicle and done my best to assist them. Like said previously, if there were no paramedics I would contact a staff member to help out, and would formally apologise to them. If they were to jump infront of my vehicle purposely, I would inform a staff member on the situation, however this was not always dealt with accordingly and now it looks bad on me.

I would like to ask why you decided to filter through my logs and find a reason to punish myself, I appreciate that you are keeping an eye on me but to go through all of my logs figuring out when I hit these people is unfair. I know better not to use my vehicle as a weapon, or purposefully hit people with my car and I know how to roleplay these situations correctly.

I have lately noticed the server going into a decline with the serious and passive roleplay side of things, and more people are roaming the streets and roads without taking due care and attention to their environments being the roads that surround them. In note of this, I tried my best to avoid using my car, as previously stated. I also previously stated that the server was undergoing some stress issues of which many players, including myself, were experiencing client-side lag of which was causing commands to be slightly slower. I took my greatest interest to avoid driving quickly and to avoid driving in general. However, there were some situations of which I need to use my car during roleplay to get around.

Edit: Should these 13 wrongful things/misunderstandings I did really cut down for the numerous great things I have done for this community? I have done my best to help newcomers and several friends find their way to be comfortable within this community and pursue a long adventure here as for the same way I did, just without the faults. I have taken my best interest to go out of my way and help those in need within this community and I have never asked for anything in return.

(04-06-2014, 02:44 PM)Joykill Wrote: Most I know about you, Jonesy, is that you drive around town recklessly in your BMW, often times playing music. I have multiple times been run over by you and roleplaying or not, it is a bunch of frustration for the person driven down.

This is not your place to be posting. However, back when I had 200/300 hours that is what I used to do. I gained a terribly bad reputation from this and made change. I stopped mic-spamming as a lot of people complained about this, and I stopped driving like an absoloute idiot. I took action on my punishments regarding this back then and I did not continue to do as you've stated.
As I already mentioned, we do not personally log each player and we do not have the manpower to nitpick on individuals. Your violation was uncovered and handled based on a complaint filed, upon which we searched the logs for confirming evidence. Please stop attempting to make this case personal.
CDM = Car Deathmatch.

I did not purposefully use my car as a weapon. I roleplayed out all situations of which I ran somebody over. As stated by SoulRipper, I player 16.37 hours yesterday. I did a lot of passiveRP as well as having a good time with some friends on the server.

I did not go out of my way to breach any of the server rules. I feel as if this ban is unfair because I did undergo the precautions of taking care of the player while they were injured, ensuring they were safe and waited for a paramedic or called for a staff member if there is none, as told to do so in the past.
Jonesy is a great roleplayer, I know that because he's often online on the server while I'm online. I'm not protecting my friends, just to clarify this.

16 RP points back up this statement.

Jonesy would, as far as my knowledge reaches, never purposely run people over. In this topic he writes that he has RP'ed after the accident happened and that he apologised to the victim. I would like to have that confirmed by at least 2 of the victims in this thread, for the completeness of this case. Jonesy also writes he reported to Temar about lag caused by what he thinks propspam, that needs to be confirmed by Temar too. When the server is lagging car accidents just happen a lot more in general.

So if the things above are confirmed I think this should not be seen as CDM'ing. A CDM'er is someone who purposely drives into people for the fun of it, and wouldn't ran over less than 1 person an hour. However according to JoyKill he does drive wrecklessly more often, so that's why my idea would be: unban, but blacklist from vehicles.
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