Ban Request: John Herbert
Name of Player: John Herbert

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59649090

Time: Between 5:00pm and 5:12pm GMT

Server: V33X

Summary: Right, John Herbert and GamingJayZ were both on top of the apartment building, With John firing his MP5 on the roof, Which you can see him up there with the Mp5 on the first screenshot, After SRU came,I offered my assistance and when accepted we proceeded to head up the apartments to the top floor. However, the top floor was blocked by GamingJayZ's Fading door. John then came behind and I explained he may get a BR if he continues to randomly shoot, being against General Rule 6. He then shot me once with his Desert Eagle, To which I responded by killing him in self defence. After this, Once the fading door was removed, We headed to the outside roof. After a minute of searching, John Herbert returned to the area, Breaking NLR, And proceeded to RDM me for a revenge killing, Mocking me after my death. This can mostly all be seen in the logs, And scarcely in the screenshots. I apologize I cannot provide more evidence than already shown, But hopefully the logs can help clear things up. I also apologize for failing to change my job, At this time I was only meant to be a citizen.

Evidence: Need an admin to check the logs at this time to help confirm my summary
Him on the roof with the MP5.
Just before he shot me with the Desert Eagle.
After being RDM'ed by John Herbert, GamingJayZ may be a witness in this RDM
Yea I seen him kill him I claim witness,
Claim witness, I was the only SRU there and the gun dealer returned after NLR and so did the BMD
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