Admin is changing the story
This was in a un-ban I felt like he was changing the story here it is

[b]Your ban ID:43533

[b]Banned by:[FL:M Venom

[b]Reason: I was jailed for Suiciding to avoide arrest.


[b]Why we should unban you: This was a mistake because I was jailed for suiciding to avoid arrest while I was hand cuffed and already in jail
I was jailed for trespassing while in the nexus as a rebel because they were banned but I was already there before the ban so I go to jail and the doors are op an SRU stops us and tells us to stop I random tp back to cell so I leave it again and as I was walking down the hallway I got an error that I would disconnect in 35 seconds so I did when I tried to join back it said I was banned?

No it was you. I was standing right there. And the elevator wasn't stuck nor was it on our floor. It was on the third or top floor. You jumped off.

WAIT JUST A MINUTE you just said the elevator was on the third floor then you said I jumped off the jail floor I have never ever jumped off the jail floor the only floor I have ever fallen off is the third one so what are you talking about????? Also where were you on the jail floor ive only been able to leave my cells once and the only time ive been to the jail floor is when the res call SRU there and I went there with another cop and he said leave so we got IN the elevator and left?? So whats your story because this is ALL mixed up

I said you jumped off the jail floor while the elevator was on the third. So you werent waiting for the elevator. Like you said, the elevator was stuck. That wouldn't affect you.

How the elevator was stucjk cause the SRU was standing half out side and inside and I tped back to my cell than left it again then crashed then I was banned there were also two other prisoners maybe it was one of them because it wasn't me

I made this 5 seconds after I made the first one because I put it in ban requests by accident. How could I possibly be jumping off to kill my self if the bridge was 2 floors above me when I was in the prison and I was banned whilst walking down the hallway

I never said you jumped off the bridge? You jumped off the jail floor to kill yourself.

Like I said I have never been pulled by gravity off the jail floor and how would I jump off the jail floor and die sir? The jail floor is like 5 feet above the lobby +PLUS+ I am not stupid as you may think I know a lot about the internet I would not kill my self on purpose that's retarded I have guns I get pissed when I die In the month ive been playing this iv spent over 50k on weapons from cop shoot-outs to RDM and CDM like 2 days ago I was walking down the road and a black hummer was driving with 4 guys in it the stopped when they saw me turned there car and ran my over then rolled over me 5-7 when they failed at that one guy hopped out stepped on my and screamed GOT IT picked up my MP5 and ran away so I was pissed off I would not jump on purpose to kill myself that's what DARKRP I for

It isn't 5 feet from each floor I can tell you that for sure. Also, how would knowing a lot about the internet have anything to do with this? Also, how does buying weapons have anything to do with this? You wouldn't have any weapons equipped when you are in jail.

*I felt like he was avoiding the main plot of why I was banned for no reason and he never bothered to check the logs to see I did not kill myself whilst in prison there is not point you will just go straight back I also fell hes improvising and making things up to keep himself out of trouble I never jumped and killed my self if I did this wouldn't be happening.Sad
First off, I don't need to check the logs to see if you died. I was there as I got a call and TPed there and then saw you kill yourself. I never said you were on the bridge. I said you were on the jail floor, and that the elevator was on the third or fourth floor. And, that you purposely jumped and killed yourself. If anyone is avoiding the situation is would be you with this statement.

Like I said I have never been pulled by gravity off the jail floor and how would I jump off the jail floor and die sir? The jail floor is like 5 feet above the lobby +PLUS+ I am not stupid as you may think I know a lot about the internet I would not kill my self on purpose that's retarded I have guns I get pissed when I die In the month ive been playing this iv spent over 50k on weapons from cop shoot-outs to RDM and CDM like 2 days ago I was walking down the road and a black hummer was driving with 4 guys in it the stopped when they saw me turned there car and ran my over then rolled over me 5-7 when they failed at that one guy hopped out stepped on my and screamed GOT IT picked up my MP5 and ran away so I was pissed off I would not jump on purpose to kill myself that's what DARKRP I for

As that has nothing to do with this at all. You don't even have weapons equipped when you are jailed. And it doesn't matter if you have spent 50k on guns. Also, I don't see abuse at all here. You should add replys into the unban request.
I tried it was closed and you just admitted to not checking the logs just look every time iv been to the jail floor the elevator was their check the logs Im telling you its not me who jumped don't be like that check
I don't need to check who died if I clearly saw your name tag and you die. I was there. I didn't get a @ call saying you jumped. I saw it with my own eyes.
Ha so you lied earlier in one of the chat things it said that you said you got a call and check the logs your scared your little ego wil be f*cked if you check it and I didn't die and you know what there is such things as hackers that can use my name too SO CHECK THE LOGS AND STOP HIDING THE TRUTH
I'm not hiding the truth...I got a call about someone breaking FearRP. Not you suiciding. And also, suggest you bring down your tone.
my tone this is text there is no tone any freedom of speech brother

I meant and not any
That statement made no sense to be honest. If you want to try and contest your ban please made it readable so I can understand you. I still would like to know how this is abuse?
Sorry for butting in, but Venom, i'd like to point out that if he was arrested and he jumped he'd be TP'd back to the jails. Just want to point that out, that's what hes trying to tell you, he din't die. Sorry again.
that's what im saying

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