Br on |TBB|Option321
Name of player: |TBB|Option321

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42953652

Time in GMT: 23:30

Server: v2p

Summary:This guy just propclimbed my wall to get to my rooms to try and break my contraband (wich didn't even exist).

Evidence: (On chat i did kill 3 police, because they were trying to raid me, and they broke nlr.)
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
???? That pic is bull shit.

Not involved, warned - Freezak.
Posting that for option. He can't login into the forum.

[Image: 6fdYl.png]


Dude here is the thing you broke NLR 2 Times and the didn't and 2 your keypad was a fake and ther was no way in i didn't know what i was doing im sry From, option321
Everything from me worked Perfectly, u just tought of making ur way in faster so u didn't get caught in it, and yes i did come back but no to kill you, simply to collect information for this Ban request. Peace
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (|TBB|Option321, STEAM_0:0:42953652) was found violating rules regarding chair usage.
Suspension will be applied for 5 months. Last chance issued.

[FL] Freezak
Server Administrative Team

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