Picking the right Processor.
Just get the most expensive one you can afford. Works most of the time. :3
Dr.Noobias Wrote:Thanks man! I think this is the one! I like the turboboost thing! Basically, it just adds its extra speed when it needs it? So if I were to kick up GTA it would probably overclock itself? How long does this boost last? The duration of the program running?

Yes, when your computer needs some extra processor usage, the turboboost will give you the extra speed.
The boost duration depends on what you are doing. For example if you start up a heavy program, it will overclock itself until the program is fully loaded, and then it will go back to normal speed.

Shark Wrote:Just get the most expensive one you can afford. Works most of the time. :3

Totally agree Cheese
Shark just said something smart... o_0

Alright I totally will, I am really looking into that processor.
So in essence, that turboboost helps load the program faster, then it shuts off so the program can preform smoothly and there is still more speed to use? Damn Intel is amazing.
One note; don't buy cheap pc's (like 400$/€).
Why not? Well, some manufactures, a lot actually, Asus, wich is the best pc brand imo, is an exception, buy cheap cpu's wich they know of that they don't work and they underclock it to let it run more stable.

Some more info in these vids:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSGcnRanYMM - CPU overheat
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQmtITMdas - From sand to CPU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtGf0HaW7x4 - CPU vs GPU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzrGwcqqrGY - What's a CPU?

The last two videos are the most important :p
© Nudelholz
if you have 2000-3000$ dollars google these things:
intel i7 extreme edition
ati hd 6990
with these and 6-8 gbs RAM and a 1920x1080 monitor you will play evo2 on everything maxed with atleast 100 fps Smile .
Haha thats what my uncle is trying to get me, an i7 Extreme... those are insane.
(07-05-2011, 08:54 PM)Dr. Noobias Wrote: Haha thats what my uncle is trying to get me, an i7 Extreme... those are insane.

If I'd have an uncle like you I would so buy a big tower pc with an antec case, 3 extra case fans, an i7 2600k @3.3 GHZ - 4.1 GHZ with Turbo Boost, TB is overclockable to 5.0 when done right, the greatest and latest ATI Radeon GFX card/Nvidia (Nvidia's generally faster, but for gaming they both rock) and about 16 Gb RAM Cheese
© Nudelholz
Well I need a Laptop... not a desktop. And he only gets these things because he has 'connections'

These connections dont involve the black market or anything like that. Its legit and legal.
Noobias, listen to me and listen good.

unless you absolutely HAVE TO upgrade, wait until march when the IVY BRIDGE comes out.

shit'll rock the socks off of the sandy bridge
True dat, but I find the AMD Bulldozer series interesting as well.
© Nudelholz

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