Your name: HolyPenguin

Your ban ID: 41919
Banned by: [FL:M] Freezak

Reason: Reckless driving, intentional CDM.

Involved: Demonic hell

Why we should unban you: I think that i should be unbanned or at least have it shorten is because is the reason for this ban includes intentional CDM which is not true. As you can seen in the video the police officer ran in front of the car intending to get hit, which is not using my car as a weapon
If you run someone over, it's automatically classified as CDM, it can be accidental or intentional though. You had a BMW on your roof, driving like that is purely FailRP, yet you proceeded to do so, running an officer over by that. And while the black BMW hit him, you were the main reason why the incident occured. What's your video explaining - i don't know. You didn't even RP the accident, should i have a guess that you tried also to finish him off?
no i didn't try to "finish him off" i was just trying to get the car off my roof when i hit the cop that is why i was reversing, and the video explains how the cop ran in front of my car trying to be ran over, like i said. I didn't rp the incident because you pulled me up on the roof of a building, which you can see in the video.
Good few seconds passed after you ran him over, yet you tried to "get the car off (your) roof". Why in the first place were you driving so big distance with the car on your roof? I don't understand your explanation at all, nor i see any reason to get you unbanned.
i just think that if the cop didn't run in front of the car you would have just gave me a warring for driving like an idiot. Oh and i forgot to add that i couldn't stop because i was using nitro at the time.
Obviously, if you wouldn't run him over, i wouldn't punish you. The cop was staying idle with a gun/tazer pointed ahead, and you were driving "like an idiot".
i couldn't stop like i said because i was using nitro at the time, which i also said when you pull me up on the building.
What? you couldn't stop while driving from the city tunnel until the bp? your explanation gets even more absurd.
No, i said i couldn't stop "at the time"( at the time i hit the cop).
Watch your video once again (thanks for it by the way) and from the start you'll see the main cause of the accident.

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