Welp, starting a game development course at The Art Institute and programming all has me down and taken, this is where I say goodbye. I loved playing fearless rp and always will. Will I be back? It depends. It depends on my career and everything, I am going to try my best to shoot for a career in which I will have free time and of that free time 95% of it will go to my fiance and the other 5% will go to fearless rp. If I do not return, my appologies... Nice playing with all of you!

[P.S if you want to keep in contact with me, just add me on steam. I stay on steam via my mobile device.]
Goodluck at the course and goodbye.
Goodbye! Hope all goes well for you!
Good luck with your course. See you when you next return.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
Goodbye and good luck!
Sorry we never got to meet but remember there is a place here in FL for everyone so don't not be afraid to return as we all enjoy meeting each other! Good luck and goodbye!
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Bye man
Good luck with marriage! Smile
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
Goodbye and Good luck!
Good bye and good luck, take care.
So long! hope you come back.
[Image: QAlZlgi.png]

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