admin pres uses admin title to allow cops/himself to kill people.
(12-08-2013, 04:59 AM)Vauld Wrote: Well, I've done this RP like 5 times before and this is the only time any one has had a problem. This is most likely because this group in particular had no idea how to RP.

Well thanks for insulting me and everybody on the server. But maybe this time this group actually knew the rules and how an admin was abusing his admin title to allow him to get away with this kind of fail city rp.
Agreed, so i guess it was a huge mis understanding, but where i saw it, all i saw was the most ultimate agressive Rp i have ever laid eyes on. Deaths and deats and deaths...
Let me set the stage.

Vauld had done a RP simular to this earlier, and this RP was connected with the same earlier on.

Vauld prepares for an RP in nexus lobby. Vauld calls for people to come as he has prepared a dictator-ish RP for people. People come to sit down on the chairs and as soon as vauld starts typing then people start messing about in the chat, making it impossible to get any RP over text going.
People start to insult the great and insane leader of the city who is backed up by alot of armed men (Here is where indirect fearRP comes into play).
It doesn't take long till I realize atleast that this RP is not going to work as intended because people have failed to follow the very basic RP rules. People are running up to the stage yelling "kill me" and "YOU SUCK".

As a response from the dictator, the dictator wants to show muscle by ordering his men to shoot in the air. Someone decides to shoot in the crowd and all hell breaks loose.
^Was RP wise. Vauld had warned people that entering on that stage could lead in their death (in OOC). People accepted this and joined the RP, so did this player. He came into nexus and disturbing everything. It fitted the RP that the leader would show no mercy for his citizens who were living in the shadows of the city, suffering under his ruling.
Let me point out that admins are not your slaves. Not your butlers. We aren't coded to respond to any @-message the same second they come in. We can be flooded with messages and we might be busy dealing with other cases. Perhaps we deemed your call as unimportant, uninformative. We admins might want to RP for ourselves a bit aswell.
Just sigh.. You're really putting that in here? Well okay then.. I find it a bit too obvious to explain, but that was a joke in the OOC. You are taking this waaaay out of proportions and your screenshot shows you weren't even there at the time. You had no idea what was actually going on in Nexus and you decided to judge with what was mentioned in OOC?
*SPOILER* He ended the RP by killing himself. You would have seen this yourself if you were in nexus and how he decided to end the RP.

You cannot really say Vauld was the cause of the chaos. People were spawning trees in the middle of the road, people were running up to people punchwhoring, fearRP breakage everywhere. This happens at the late hours.

Things escalated like hell. People on both sides started shooting at eachother, using other players as meatshields. Some of the "ressistance" were provoking shootouts, promoting killing and so on.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(12-08-2013, 05:12 AM)Enzyme Wrote:
^Was RP wise. Vauld had warned people that entering on that stage could lead in their death (in OOC). People accepted this and joined the RP, so did this player. He came into nexus and disturbing everything. It fitted the RP that the leader would show no mercy for his citizens who were living in the shadows of the city, suffering under his ruling.

Doesn't justify RDMing.

(12-08-2013, 05:12 AM)Enzyme Wrote:
Let me point out that admins are not your slaves. Not your butlers. We aren't coded to respond to any @-message the same second they come in. We can be flooded with messages and we might be busy dealing with other cases. Perhaps we deemed your call as unimportant, uninformative. We admins might want to RP for ourselves a bit aswell.

It was over 30min, even that one random guy said it was 20 min with no response. We were not wanting you that second, we just wanted you to come eventually which would have taken a second.

(12-08-2013, 05:12 AM)Enzyme Wrote:
Just sigh.. You're really putting that in here? Well okay then.. I find it a bit too obvious to explain, but that was a joke in the OOC. You are taking this waaaay out of proportions and your screenshot shows you weren't even there at the time. You had no idea what was actually going on in Nexus and you decided to judge with what was mentioned in OOC?

A joke? A funny joke? Like the funny joke of an admin RDMing people in the nexus for "RP"? Not sure how all your comments were meant to be "funny"

(12-08-2013, 05:12 AM)Enzyme Wrote:
*SPOILER* He ended the RP by killing himself. You would have seen this yourself if you were in nexus and how he decided to end the RP.

The RP death was in fact not RP, but whatever since your admin what you say is always apparently right no mater what others think. Must have been another OOC joke you admins like to play after you get done breaking a bunch of rules.
Quote:Me and 2 other people were saying: "@ car glitched in BP station please help remove it" "@ golf stuck in gas station, cant get out". Not ONCE did we say "admin come quick" about the stuck vehicle. And why should the rest of the server suffer because a few/many people like to simply ask admins to come with no reason. We clearly stated where and why we needed admins.
I was responding to @ calls, and I deleted several cars this night. Admins might be busy reading through logs, going to the bathroom and etc. We cannot be there 100% of the time.

(12-08-2013, 04:50 AM)Vauld Wrote: Also, I didn't run from presidency what the hell are you talking about. I RP'ed that I tripped over the guillotine lever and ended up falling into my own trap.
Quote:you complain about people failRPing, saying random stuff and all that yet you come up with a completely non-rp and random death yourself. "falling onto your own trap". In the pics it shows there is glass/wall between u and the knife so no way this is even RPly possible. Such hypocrisy.

Says the person who wasn't even there? As your screenshot shows, you were not in nexus when this was going on. You seriously have no idea what happened except from what you read in OOC and heard from players.

Vauld decided to stand before the person he was executing (before his own death), and stood outside his little glass-cage. He did a /me and then proceded to end the RP.

You come here and preach about how Vauld RP was wrong when your screenshots even shows you weren't even there when the "major" parts went on.

Quote:[05:04:09] [FL] Vauld (STEAM_0:1:33499744) said: /radio When I say 'Kill them all'
[05:04:17] [FL] Vauld (STEAM_0:1:33499744) said: /radio It's for the dramatic afffect, just shoot in the air
Proves the thread-title wrong.

Quote:[05:26:49] [FL] Vauld (STEAM_0:1:33499744) said: /me trips over the lever and falls under the guillotine as it falls.

One mind even find this ending ironical. The powerhungry man dying by his own tool of showing off his power.

When posting a admin-abuse-thread, you should post facts, not assumptions you have after reading in OOC. You obviously lack context. You weren't around to see why things happened as they did.

You might want to edit the thread to be against me aswell and not just Vauld, as I took part in this. Let me save you the trouble by finding my information for you.
[FL] Enzyme STEAM_0:0:31154034
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
There's a difference between mic-spam and playing music for 10 seconds for an RP. Also, what.. You weren't even there for the end of my presidency which ended in an RP death. I was walking back to my podium and /me trips over the lever, which resulted in my death. LOL! "This group knew the rules", you've got to be joking. There were at least 5 people yelling slurs at me while I was trying to have an RP speech, you had people pulling out guns randomly clearly breaking Fear RP.

Once again, this is literally the 5th time I've done this RP, the reason this time didn't go as smoothly was because the crowd didn't even attempt to RP.

[Image: 2013_06_19_00001.jpg]

[Image: 2013_06_06_00020.jpg]

[Image: 2013_01_30_00001.jpg]

[Image: 2012_12_22_00001.jpg]

This RP works, I mean seriously look at the other times I've done it... The only reason it didn't work this time is because the people who took part in the RP failed miserably.
Yea, it works with players who don't know where the line between RP and non-PR ends. When smart players actually play the game and try to RP as a normal city, the admins might try to pull this off like Avenger said, it went way to far for so called "City RP"

After you admins left with your failRP the server pretty much went back to normal proper CityRP. Since that is why they joined... Not to be killed by a power hungry adminge president.
Wait so you weren't the one who raided me? your the one who was called? OHHHHHHHH THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW. My lord jesus christ our lord and savior i feel so stupid
I now ask for the poster of this thread to read my post on this page (scroll a bit up)
I have updated it with information from the logs.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
To the admins who think they can get away with anything with no reproductions I fixed the title as you guys did abuse your adminship as since you guys would NEVER let any other president do this kind of RP. And doing a simple /me does not make it okay to failrp. Might as well did /me takes out bomb and blows up the entire nexus. Yes its power gaming but its no different than what president did. I even did a RP /me thingy for you.

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