FUMUKU International
Applicant Name: Jackeylegs

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None.

List any and all rule infractions you have personally seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None.

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples: Has RP points.

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:

-High number of recent bans, with amount of hours should know better.
-Limited detail on character bio and reasons for approval

Personal Opinion: Lacks motivation.

Overall evaluation: Not willing to put the effort into his application for a decent examination.

Recommendations: Reject.


Applicant Name: [FL:RP] Textured Zeppelin

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None.

List any and all rule infractions you have personally seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported:

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:

-No ban record.
-Exceptional amount of effort placed into character bio

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
-No RP points but I'm sure that will change.

Personal Opinion: No comment.

Overall evaluation: Newer player, but has room for improvement

Recomendations: Accept

Scone - Application unfortunately withdrawn

Applicant Name: Spyderr

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:

-Put effort into character biography.
- RP Point

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:

-High number of bans, all within the last month.
- Enough hours to know better

Personal Opinion: Give it some time to clean up your act before you reapply.

Overall evaluation: Appears to be a troublemaker, should give him some time for improvement.

Recomendations: Reject.


Applicant Name: [FT:RP] Rain

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in: None.

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported: None.

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:

-Higher hour count
-Fairly detailed bio/information

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:
- No RP points
- 4 Bans (one from Ruxandra)

Personal Opinion: Not too shabby.

Overall evaluation: Makes the cut.

Recomendations: Accept.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
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  • Moisty, cnr
Application Review: Completed "Sorry for the wait"

FUMUKU International would like to welcome its newest members to their respective divisions:


Welcome aboard [FL:RP]TexturedZeppelin: STEAM_0:0:66948201
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 9845

Welcome aboard [FT:RP] Rain: STEAM_0:0:37922824
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 4782

Security Division Promotions:

The following security officers have passed their trial status and are now fully intergrated within FUMUKU Internationals Security Division

Professional_instinct: STEAM_0:1:39560838
Security Clearance: D

The following officers have also been promoted:

Zaeed Massani: STEAM_0:0:39947410
Security Clearance: A
F.I.D: SD: 3514

The following officers have also been promoted past their trial status:

Church Biscuit: STEAM_0:1:42621731
Security Clearance: D
F.I.D: SD 3255

Denied Applications:

Spyderr: Application denied due to a large number of members being unsure about how you would do in the group and a lack of personal experience around you. In the future this may change.

Jackeylegs: To many members felt you were not the right kind of person for this group based on your attitude in server and your history.


A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow the orders of your commanding officers during security operations, and if you can complete a set of training courses to show you are capable of advancement. This training course may be waived if you show exceptional skill in the field.

FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates will be provided at the start of any operation

Be sure to add me on steam if you have'nt already done so to keep up to date with the goings on.

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.
This includes but is not limited to: Pens, pencils, paper, copy paper, mugs, watercoolers,staplers, chairs, lights, test subjects,company vehicles, company personal, company owned alternate realitys, company owned planetoids.

To those whos applications were not accepted this cycle, you are free to re-apply again in two weeks.
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
The following 2 users Like BlackDog's post:
  • Falcon, Rain
Hmm it seems I passed my training period twice woohoo

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

Congratulations on those who were accepted and promoted.
The following 1 user Likes Moisty's post:
  • Falcon
Congratulations to our newest officers, looking forward to working with you.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
The following 1 user Likes Toxic's post:
  • Falcon
Yeah I'll stop moaning for a sec... Welcome guys hope to work with ya when I return from holiday.

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

The following 1 user Likes D0ctor's post:
  • Falcon
FUMUKU Legal Department Office of the Judge Advocate

Notice of suspension of employee; rank, privileges, and status.
Notice issuer: Zaeed Massani A/OJA I.D 3514
: Jericho Matthews A/IA I.D 7332
: Carthusia Malkrin A++ I.D 0101
File No: OJA/IA35147332-0413
Departments overseeing review: Legal, Internal Affairs.
Notice of effect: IMMEDIATE
Employee Name: Mr Robert Stark
FUMUKU I.D number: SD4782
Reason for suspension: Conduct unbecoming of FUMUKU employees, and violation of FUMUKU Int, contract terms.

Mr Robert Stark, you have been suspended from all active FUMUKU Int, duties, all rank privileges, responsibilities, salary, and any other status howsoever afforded to you by FUMUKU Int, has been revoked.
You are hereby accused of conduct unbecoming of FUMUKU Int personnel, violation of S:1 (9) FUMUKU International reserves the right to terminate employment and seize your assets if you are found to be engaged in any illegal activity including but not limited to, assisting criminals, car theft, murder, distribution of narcotics, and the sale of stolen goods, this list is not exhaustive. Of your employment contract. Please refer to section 5 of said contract to see action we may take against you. To highlight the seriousness of what you have done, I will outline the breech of criminal statutes you have perhaps unknowingly committed.

Protection from Harassment Act 1997, which has both criminal and civil provision
Malicious Communications Act 1988
Section 43 of the Telecommunications Act 1984
Communications Act 2003
Public Order Act 1986
Your conduct has been fond to be contrary to the standards of FUMUKU Int, and in breech of law.
You will be requested to attend an interview with myself and Jericho Matthews of Internal Affairs, to ascertain your side of the story. We take the hostility and disrespectful nature of your behaviour seriously, failure to attend will result in immediate termination of employment, failure to respond or acknowledge receipt of this letter will result in immediate termination of employment, exhibiting any of the same attitude to myself or persons involved in this case will result in immediate termination, and/or execution.
Furthermore to highlight the seriousness of your position, please find enclosed a list of responsibilities and actions I can take pursuant of such cases.
''sits in advisement on issues pertaining to internal matters of FUMUKU Int, and is often consulted on employee misconduct, pursuant to any breech of the contractual obligations of any personnel employed by FUMUKU Int. This role also includes supervising [REDACTED] operations and ensuring that all agents follow the law, and failing that is granted freedom of action to protect FUMUKU Int's image and reputation, including on site suspension of an employee and authorising [REDACTED] to stop any action which could be illegal and or damaging to FUMUKU Int.''
Your behaviour is intolerable, and damaging to FUMUKU Int's reputation thus you have now fallen under the remit of my department. You have 24hours from posting of this notice, to provide evidence to justify your behaviour, if you cannot produce any evidence to help your case, pleading that you were unaware of the contract of employment will not be a defence, neither will arguing that it was justified because of your age, immaturity, or their actions. FUMUKU Int, expects all employees to act with respect, responsibility, and maturity at all times.

In case there is any uncertainty as to what I am referring to, with regards to your conduct, please review this case file: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php...#pid283273

If at any time you think you've been treated unfairly in this process feel free to submit complaints to the complaints department, in the basement, at the bottom of the broken stairs, in the disused lavatory marked beware of the leopard.
The following 5 users Like Eisenhorn's post:
  • Toxic, Falcon, Moisty, Rain, D0ctor
Message from The Office of the Judge Advocate; Zaeed Massani

Note, I will accept the fact you have liked the post as your receipt of the letter addressed to you Rain, and I am informing you, as of this moment you have 24 hours to provide any evidence or defense you have to the allegations against you. Failure to provide evidence will lead to you being tried in absentia.
The moment of this letter is 1300-GMT.
A verdict will be presented on the 02/08/2013 at 1300 as to whether your status with FUMUKU Int will be entirely rescinded, by rescinded I mean expulsion from FUMUKU Int.

Yours faithfully, Director of FUMUKU Int, Legal Services, Z.Massani I.D 3514
The following 1 user Likes Eisenhorn's post:
  • Falcon
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Mr Gccc

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40584392

Your Age: 16

Hours on server: 525

RP Events you have been in: EmergencyRP, GhostRP, WinterRP, MafiaRP (about three times) and other minor RPs.

RP Point Amount: 2 (EmergencyRP and GhostRP)

Ban History on Fearless RP: 4


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security Division


Full Name: John Maxwell

All Nicknames: Johnny

Age: 37

Date of Application: 01/08/2013


Date of birth: 25/06/1976

Gender: (M) / F

Place of Birth: Caracas, Venezuela

Telephone Number: 01668374823

Mobile: 04142736238

Driver's License Number: D197 - 0293 - 9661


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 113 Fear St, EvoCity EV 1003

Zip code: E3287

Suburb / (City)

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Libertador Avenue, Zamora Municipality, Miranda, Venezuela

Zip code: V3941

(Suburb) / City


Why are you applying?

I am looking for a new business, a new place where mutual trust and respect is more than an initiative, and because I understand what are the requirements and what are the consequences if I do not follow the policy.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?

I have worked for police departments for 13 years, I have participated in several numbers of situations that require skills and patience, I have dealt with several amounts of troublemakers and citizens being disrespectful to private properties and even other citizens, I worked for those departments for the same purpose, to protect and serve.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?

Because I have the skill and experience needed to handle security operations, I know how to handle troublemakers and several types of vandalism and I know that I must always follow direct and indirect orders from my superiors. I also know that being a police officer is not the same than being a security division employee, so I will follow any needed training to prove I am able to do the job.

What will you offer FUMUKU?

I offer all my effort, dedication, loyalty and trust to FUMUKU and all it's employees, and I will take all the responsibility of my actions and I will respect everyone in the company and it's divisions.

Character Bio:

John Maxwell's family lived in Italy but fled to Venezuela during World War 2. He was born at 1976 in the city of Caracas, capital of Venezuela, there he was taken to the Miranda State and raised by his family. He studied laws several years at the Central University of Venezuela, after that, his family was going trough several economic problems that time and he had to make his own money so he worked for the Metropolitan Police of Caracas for four years, after he gained enough money he went to the United States to start a new life, he went to a city called EvoCity, and started working for their Police department, he spent the first months at the job training, then he started doing his officer duties, he had issued several numbers of arrests and participated in several hostage situations during his career, after nine years, he retired and started looking for a new business to participate.
The following 1 user Likes Gccc's post:
  • Falcon
From the Office of the Judge Advocate: Zaeed Massani.

Notice of employment Termination

Employee I.D S.D4782
Employee Name Mr Robert Stark.

Due to the lack of evidence or communication presented by yourself, the panel assigned to review your employment status, has reached a verdict in absentia of yourself.

Your conduct has been found to be incompatible with the standards and values of FUMUKU International. You're employment is hereby terminated with immediate effect.
We will not tolerate persons who behave beneath the realms of moral decency and civility, which you clearly have. You have grossly fallen beneath the standards of FUMUKU International, and are found to be in violation of the contract between FUMUKU International. This letter has immediate effect, and you need not reply to it.
FUMUKU International will contact you at a later date regarding the reimbursement of any costs/fees/and property provided to your persons. Any property given to you for the execution of FUMUKU International duties will be returned by your person to Carthusia Malkrin, or it will be collected, forcibly if necessary.

Yours faithfully Director of FUMUKU Legal Services; Z.Massani I.D3514
The following 8 users Like Eisenhorn's post:
  • Rain, Moisty, D0ctor, Falcon, Toxic, BlackDog, Dubwub, BenGB

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