An Unfair system with no room for reform.
Your name: Dead_pixel

Your ban ID: 33097

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: RDM cop

Involved: Kidcando Doomdude1

Why we should unban you:
Hello, I'd like to address some serious issues in your ban policies. I'd like to start off by saying, I'm not perfect, yes I have broken a few rules knowingly. But never, and I mean never have I intentionally went on to minge and ruin the game for other players. I've been on this server for about 2-3 years and during that lengthy amount of time I have been banned a couple times, some by an abusive admin and have been approved in the unbanrequest forum, but not from my ban record. Other times I have been banned I post a request to get unbanned, and 2-3 of the current ones have been approved because I really didn't break the rules, and again they are not removed from my ban record. When I first started playing I'll admit I was a bit of a minge, but nothing to serious, but its much more than that to me now its a summer of fun with friends rping and having a good time. I guess what I'm trying to say here is I'm not perfect, nobody is but to have these minor infractions held over my head like a gun pointed at my chest ready to fire at the slightest infraction is a bit worrisome especially after I just donated. I just don't feel I deserve, a permaban for past mistakes, some of which were already proven in my favor. I believe if this issue is not addressed longtime regulars of the server, who are not friends with admins, will suffer the same fate as me.

And as for the issue with the latest ban, I explained to the moderator on at the time that they were arresting my RP "friend" and "partner" we had a base together and were driving around rping. When he was tazed and cuffed I leaped to his rescue and, indeed, killed the arresting officer. I felt that it was indeed proper RP motivation to kill the arresting officer. Since it is not explicitly stated in the rules what classifies as an RP reason I took it upon myself to elaborate on what defines a "good" reason.
First of all, you have no comprehension of how serious a crime is to kill a police officer. You could have applied FearRP or tried to talk his way out of it, but from what Infernaw (who asked me to ban you) stated, you just gunned the officer down and then tried to kill her as well.

Second off, your ban history has 13 prior bans, most of which for: Teamkilling, prop abuse, fail RP, RDM, avoiding and lying to staff members, the some more prop killing. You've had enough chances and to be honest, with your history, I'm surprised you weren't suspended sooner.
In reply to doomdude, please enlighten me on how I "have had many chances to clean up my act" I served time for minor infractions, and for the abuse of admin. The fact of the matter is I was given no chances, the infractions don't just happen right after the next chronologically there is at least a 2-3 months between each ban, not to say Its a ritual for me to minge. But that sooner or later we all find our hands caught in the cookie jar, its just a matter of time. I was given no chances, but instead judged for past crimes, some of which I didn't even commit. As you so blatently put, I should have been perma-banned sooner.

And as for your comment on my actions today, If I recall this was semi serious roleplay not super serious. So when killing the officer, i'll admit it was not the most serious RP thing to do, but I believe I had full warrant to do so, also I'd like to point out the fact I told the officer numerous times not to arrest him, (he wasn't even breaking any laws), before gunning him down.
(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: In reply to doomdude, please enlighten me on how I "have had many chances to clean up my act"

14 bans... quite enough chances.

(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: I served time for minor infractions, and for the abuse of admin.

Minor infractions? Let's look at some of them: Prop killing, Switching jobs to avoid an admin, Prop killing, RDM, random raiding, collaborating with the corleones as a rebel, Multiple keypads, Propblock, fade and shoot, EXTREME FailRP..., "Proppushing,Propsmashing players towards cave", Prop surfing.
The list goes on...

(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: not to say Its a ritual for me to minge.

You have 14 bans. Quite the ritual it seems.

(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: But that sooner or later we all find our hands caught in the cookie jar, its just a matter of time.

I have no bans, other players have none as well.

(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: I was given no chances, but instead judged for past crimes, some of which I didn't even commit.

If the bans were invalid, they would have been deleted.

(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: And as for your comment on my actions today, If I recall this was semi serious roleplay not super serious.

Semi-serious game-mode, serious RP.

(06-10-2013, 12:17 AM)Dead_pixel Wrote: So when killing the officer, i'll admit it was not the most serious RP thing to do, but I believe I had full warrant to do so, also I'd like to point out the fact I told the officer numerous times not to arrest him, (he wasn't even breaking any laws), before gunning him down.

So, instead of calling an administrator or moderator, because that is a random arrest, you decided to take matters into your own hands?
You seem to mistake punishment's as chances. I'm trying to sau giving me a chance would be removing the false bans from my record or a clean slate after a year or two of playing. And to your response of not ever being banned, thats because your an admin.

Alot of the bans WERE for minor infractions, and as I mentioned before chronologically happened months in between each other and not right after the other. Which proves I don't just go on to minge, I take Rping on this server serious and have fun like the many others playing on the server. I'f I was a hopeless minge I wouldn't even be taking the time to fill out this lengthy unban request, but I'm not I'm an actual player. One who has been playing for 2 years an has been banned multiple times by an abusive admin and other times for misunderstandings.

"Proppushing,Propsmashing players towards cave" (14525; banned by Grub)
First off, I was defending myself, the other player had spawned a prop and hit me with it first, I was spawning a prop to block his, he went to the cave by hitting himself with his own prop, but I got banned and he didn't. Ask Grub if you don't believe me.

"Ban request approved - Propkilling hismelf. (Extended due to current ban)" (14605; banned by Ruxandra)
I did NOT prop kill myself on purpose, I was a Corleone trying to make an italian restaurant, and saw a prop I thought would look good on the doors. I spawned it, and to my surprise, it was absolutely massive and took me out afterwards. I then z'ed it away. The guy told me he was reporting me and I explained this to him, yet he still posted it. And even with as little evidence as he had I was still banned. If it had been longer I would have appealed it. And also, if I had some hard on for prop killing myself, don't you think I would have used a substantially smaller prop, and I probably wouldn't have done it in the middle of a crowded area?

"Switching jobs to avoid an admin, Prop killing" (12877; banned by Grub)
I wasn't avoiding an admin in my changing jobs, I changed jobs because I wanted a different job. If I had changed jobs once he Phys gunned me up to a roof then it could be avoiding admins, but this wasn't. I hadn't been contacted by the admin yet. As for prop killing, I honestly don't remember doing that.

"Prop killing" (11417; banned by WorldWideCoffee)
This ban I deserved, I had just bought the game. I was attacked by some rebels, and then in self defense I thought I was allowed to kill them with props. I now know that I'm not allowed to, and this ban actually was a well timed and well needed ban that reenforced a rule into my head. And if you don't believe that, look at how long ago that was.

So honestly, most of those bans are honestly unneeded or to be frank not true. If you have a problem with any of those explanations please point them out, treat them like their own ban appeals if you will to get them off my record.

Some bans were proven invalid by other admins, and I'm not sure why they were deleted.

Some sort of dictator RP was in affect during the incident and my friend was being arrested for going to park his car. I didn't contact an admin because, a moderator was right next to the arresting officer.

I guess the reason I beleive I should be unbanned is because I am not a minge. It's not like I go on everyday and prop smash and kill and ruin other players game. I go on, role-play, and love this server like everyone else. A few isolated incidents may occur where I screw up, but it's not like I get a hard on for ruining other people game. I mean, as I stated above most of those bans aren't even for a good reason, or they were straight out false bans. Like I stated in my post, which you really kind of failed to reply to any of the points on, I wasn't trying to minge killing that cop, I just felt it was the proper role play thing to do. I'd also like to point out peopel like ZlooxaN ツ who I think you're trying to equate me to. He has 10 bans on record, and the one that got him banned forever was a big one, "Ban request approved: Heavy prop abuse, teamkilling, general mingyness and 9 previous bans." (14658; banned by Termin). I have the same amount of bans on record, but how many of those were longer than 24 hours? How many of them am I not able to refute? And my permanent ban was a misunderstanding between a cop. There are people who do worse than me and can't refute their bans, but I can refute and I get permanently banned for a misunderstanding with a cop. I would understand if it was a few days, but permanent is ridiculously long. I mean, it is forever. As I said people make mistakes. I made a mistake when I got my first ban for prop killing, and I learned. It was a mistake for me to kill that officer, but I had no ill intentions, I wasn't ruining others gameplay experience, no, I was helping a friend. and I got banned forever for doing so. If you could please reconsider your permanent ban I'd appreciate it more than you'd ever know. Thank you for reading this wall of text, and I look forward to your response.
The rules are shaped up to be simple and easily understandable so everyone can understand and follow them. You are bound to follow the rules at all costs, knowlingly or not you break the rules, it will have consequences and you have to face them if you fail to read and understand the rules before playing.
Not involved.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

In reply to Naracotic, yes I completely agree, and I have served time for my past mistakes. But in this particular case I felt I WAS within the rules, since the rules did not specifically define a "good reason" for killing someone I took it upon myself to judge that, and in my defense what I came up with, be that as it may not as plausible in real life, was definitely plausible in game. I was contrabasing with the guy being arrested which means he could have told the police on me and have our base raided. I felt it was a justified reason to kill the officer, and do not deserve a permaban for it..
Which bans do you say were revoked? Please provide links to the approved appeals.
In reply to Killjoy, since most of the bans were minor I only received 24 hours for nearly all of them and was not able to post a proper urban request. In this thread I refute them up above. In my defense I would like to say that since a large amount of the bans were 24 hours leaving me no chance to refute them and clean them off my record, further stressing the fact I am never one to mega-minge, just one to get into misunderstandings like the one when killing this cop. I'll admit in the begging when my username was Mango I was indeed a minge, but since then this server has changed for me its a fun game that I now take seriously, I don't just go on to minge, but if you strongly feel that these infractions show who I am as a player, and I have no hope to reform in your server, then go ahead deny me.
I'd just like to say, I had a great time roleplaying and being a member of your large community, and it'l be hard moving on.


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