Bye :(
Hi fearless, it is my time.

Some of you may have noticed that I have been inactive lately.
This is due to the minges and rule-breakers that I see on fearless 24/7. There is simply no way to argue with a minge. They just don't get it. Also, a lot of my good friends have left fearless.

I have also gotten very bored of CityRP. I may return one day, but I will not be coming back too quickly.

The first time I joined CityRP, I joined rebel and Seven was the rebel leader. Ciryl was the president a the time, and he had put up some weird flags around everywhere. I was fresh from DarkRP so I did not understand anything. I found Seven later basing at the tides hotel. I asked him if I could base with him, but he said no. ( Sad )
Anyway, he asked all the rebels to raid but I thought it would be good to run into the nexus with a glock and see what I could do. I failed, and the rest of the rebels did the raid without me.

I eventually bought my first Volkswagen Golf MKII, I really loved it. I thought it was the best thing I have ever done. Then, I donated and bought a lambo 1 month later.
I ended up donating to CityRP 3 times, donating about 30$ each time. I somehow always ran out of money.

4 months later, I still have that same lambo that I got when I first donated, I am still impressed with it.

Sorry for the novel, here are the people I would like to thank:

Butch - Great friend, great shooter and amazing builder

Jokhah - Gave me my 5 RP points

Jarz - Nice person, fun to base with

Runt - Awesome guy, did heaps of raids with him and he is cool.

Void - He showed me this amazing server.

My clan members:

Llawliet, FailedEpic, Mr Gccc, Runt, Kpredeyes

Thank you to everyone that has supported me throughout my 450 hours on CityRP.

(By the way, you can still find me on Steam)
[Image: Astro%20Signature.png]
Made by DigDug
I have 5 RP point(s)
It's sad to see a great player leave the server, it's even worse when they're leaving because of the people who ruin roleplay experiences.

Hope to see you return to the server again one day Sad
Goodbye and take care.
Goodbye. See you later.
I agree. FL is way to rule breaky. Bye!
Kind Regards,
Goobye Astro.
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Goodbye astroo,i will miss you. Funny first join story xP
I'll hope to see you back one day!
Bye Astro! We had a few fun moments on the server that I remember.

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